• The site:

    A month ago, I had to quickly develop a website based around a thrice-weekly newsletter, that also offered additional content on the website.

    Soon, the process of manually updating the code for the index page, the content, and the archives became very time consuming. So I looked for a CMS which would help with this process. Unfortunately, most that I found were either too complex or too difficult to incorporate into a preexisting site.

    I had used WordPress for a personal blog before, but had never considered using it as a CMS until I read through a few other posts on this forum of people doing exactly that.

    All in all, it took just about two days to fully convert the site from static HTML content to being fully driven by WordPress. Previous updates which could have taken 15 minutes (with many mistakes possible) now take about thirty seconds.

    I found WordPress to be extremely easy to incorporate into a site which was not even designed to work with a CMS originally. I also found that I had didn’t have to make nearly any changes to make it function more like a CMS then a blog tool (this mostly consisted of limiting the posts on the front page to fit in the news area).

    Anyway, I just wanted to report my success with this, and of course am open to any suggestions on the site. Thanks!


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  • Congratulations. I also found WordPress easy to use as a CMS on the non-blog portions of kolossus.com using the Pages functionality and the ability to slice up pieces of HTML into as many templates as I like.

    I’m kitting away at a WordPress blog for a non profit organization of cancer survivors/patients support group and would like to know what plug-ins
    1) JHeller that you used in Cabotwealth
    2) JonWolfe – that you recommended
    to support email to the subscribers of the blog. I see subscriber2 listed as one of the plug-ins used.
    Also I don’t understand the relationship of the subscriber list to the email list. Does the plug-in provide a php routine to extract the names/email address from the blog.
    Best regards

    I had a similar problem.

    The birth of the Internet put a lot of my fellow music journalists out of business. But not me, because I made the leap into cyberspace and founded a Web site that I updated weekly. That worked out fine for nearly a decade–and then the blogosphere was born.

    The immediacy of blogging forced me to update more often just to remain competitive, and with my now old-fashioned static pages, it quickly became a genuine problem. But I didn’t see joining the blogosphere as a solution because I saw it as more of a plaything than a potential business tool. So what if a blog platform would allow me to update in minutes, archive in seconds, and include video and audio? Besides, bloggers were all rank amaeteurs writing “personal” stuff, and I was a serious professional!

    Fortunately, seeing the folly of my snobbery was as easy as remembering the music writers who resisted the Internet’s wind of change and got blown away. So last year I began looking into content management (though I referred to it as “bloggifying” my site.) Services like WordPress.com didn’t fit the bill because I have my own server and my own layout. But www.remarpro.com–bingo!!!

    I’m “Dexter”-izing my site right now, but I’m looking forward to getting back to work–not that I consider being able to update on the fly and illustrate my stories with videos “work!”

    I found WordPress to be extremely easy to incorporate into a site which was not even designed to work with a CMS originally—–Thank you for your work.


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