Thank you for your kind of word.
1)Using WP All Backup free version you create complete backup.
Sometimes accident can happen when we least expert it. If you can have made a careless mistake and your site is gone how can you restore your site using WP All Backup(free or paid version)
Backup your site regularly.
So it is important to save your backup safer place like FTP, Dropbox,Google drive.
Free version support : FTP, Dropbox
Paid Version support : FTP, Dropbox,Google drive,Amazon s3
WP All Backup pro version create backup as well as installer file, so using installer you can restore backup file.
Also you can do this process manually using free version.
(free version only create backup file)
Create Backup :Dashboard->WP ALL Backup. Click on sub menu WP ALL Backup and click on Create New Backup button (Make sure that you have select Backup type “Both Database and files”)
Download backup file (zip)from backup listing.
Upload backup file (zip) file on server where you want to restore the site
Create new database.
manual extract backup file on server (right click on backup file and extract or using cmd extract file)
edit config.php file and set database details
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define(‘DB_NAME’, ”);
/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ”);
/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ”);
/** MySQL hostname */
define(‘DB_HOST’, ”);
7. After extract file you can seen .sql dump file : go to phpmyadmin and import this file in to newly created database.
for more information check : https://www.wpseeds.com/documentation/docs/wp-all-backup/how-to/restore-site/
2)Yes, Free version work well.only it not create installer file. installer file help you restore/move/clone site. if you use free version then you need to do this process manually.
3)Yes, for restoring backup or move/clone site you do not need to install pro version.
(point 1 has explanation for clone/restore backup)
but using pro version it make essay process for moving site and restore site using installer.
- Create Backup :Dashboard->WP ALL Backup. Click on sub menu WP ALL Backup and click on Create New Backup button (Make sure that you have select Backup type“Both Database and files”)
Download backup file (zip) and Installer file (install.php) from backup listing.
- Upload backup file (zip) and installer file on server where you want to restore the site
Run the installer : open your browser then run install.php file. Leave New URL blank.
- Enter Information like Database name,user name, password.
- Click on Restore button
Now you have restore your site successfully.
For restoring backup you don’t need install WP All Backup version on site. without plugin you can restore site.