• Hello,

    I have just moved my blog for the 2nd time. The first time was from a shared linux web server to a windows vps server which worked fine. Now I’ve moved it from the Windows vps to a Dedicated Linux Fedora Core 4 server and I have a few things that are not working.


    The wp-admin/index.php file dies at line 32 which on my file is.
    if ( $scheduled = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT ID, post_title, post_date_gmt FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = ‘publish’ AN$

    This is making the admin page load very slowing and none of the dashboard stuff shows up.


    wp-admin/plugins.php gives me the following error.
    Couldn’t open plugins directory or there are no plugins available.

    Now I have lots of plugins. They worked on the windows server and the first linux box. I’ve tried changeing permissions doesn’t appear to work.


    When I write a new post it takes a really long time to complete. Now it writes to the db fast. Actually if I hit stop in my browser then view the blog the update is always there. This tells me it is choking on something after the insert command and it’s not the db.

    Any suggestions or help would be great thanks a bunch in advance and Happy New Year/ Merry Christmas.

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