1. My website loading time is very erratic – from 1 or 2 seconds up to maybe a minute or more.

    2. Sometimes the following error message appears in my header: “packets out of order. exected 1 rec’d 0. Packet size=%ld in H:\root\home\larryadamache-001\www\site1\wp-includes\class-wpdb.php on line 2349”.

    3. Sometimes WP-admin website appears behind my website home page – the WP admin header bar appears at the top of my HOME page. If I click on the WP header, the WP-admin site appears so it looks like it loads at the same time as my website.

    I brought the first issue to attention of my webhost support and they offered the following suggestion. “Would you please try to create a? new mysql database to new mysql server then update your site to connect new database to see if it will fix this issue?”

    I’m not a developer, so this is beyond my capabilities.

    I mention all 3 of these issues in case they are related.

    I’ve spent 3 months on and off working on the website and have it to the point to where I want it except to add images. I’m thinking now the best thing to do is to delete everything and start over unless there are easy solutions. The other option I’m considering is hiring a developer to solve the problems but I’m not sure a developer could do that.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    I’m sure a competent developer can solve any issues you have with WP itself, but the packets out of order problem is likely external to WP. A new database may or may not resolve the problem. It does appear to be a server issue that your host would need to help you resolve. So you’re sort of obligated to do as they ask. If you don’t feel up to it, maybe your host could do it for you?

    Be aware that creating a new DB will mean all of your site’s content will be missing. It’s not lost, but you’ll need to migrate the data from old to new if you want to retain it. If a new database resolves the problem, there is a chance migrating old data will cause the problem to reappear.

    Regarding the admin bar appearing in your front end pages, that’s normal when you’re logged in. Non-logged in visitors will not see it. If you like, you can hide it through a check box (“Show Toolbar when viewing site”) in your profile.

    The admin page is not really behind your front page, only the admin bar is loaded. When you click in the left end of the admin bar, you actually leave your front page and go to the admin area.

    Thread Starter larryadamache



    Thanks for the info. I had no idea about the Show Toolbar item. It resolves a major concern.

    Maybe I’ll have another look at the database issue. Could this be the problem with the erratic long site loading times, or is that another issue itself?


    Moderator bcworkz


    Yes, erratic query times can be related to issues with packets. Doesn’t really help narrow down the root cause though. As this problem apparently happens inconsistently, it can be a difficult problem to resolve. If you can find a condition where it happens consistently, it’d help in any debugging attempts. For example, the error always occurs when you save a specific page.

    Thread Starter larryadamache


    Thanks for the help.

    I haven’t done any work on my website for some time now until I resolve these issues in case I need to start over again. I try to open my website several time a day just to see if the problem persists or if there is any pattern involved. So far it appears to happen randomly. Sometimes it opens in a second or two, other times up to a minute or more

    I noticed that when the website is slow to open, the actual URL takes a long time to appear in the browser top bar window (I don’t know what it’s called). No other website including my WP-admin website does this. I have no idea if this is relevant or not.

    Anyway, I’m in the process of documenting all the settings I used to build the website so far, then I’m going to delete it and start over. Should I delete WordPress, the theme and plugins as well? Maybe the database should be deleted at least.

    Thanks again, much appreciated.


    Moderator bcworkz


    URLs appear in a browser’s “address bar” although it’s normally more of a field than an entire bar.

    Software is generally very consistent. When it has a problem, it generally happens consistently. This issue is sounding more and more like an issue with the server somewhere, external to WP.

    All the same, you could reinstall WP on the off chance it is a software issue. It’s not that difficult and you will not lose any data. Follow the procedure for a manual update, even if it’s to the same version. Don’t be surprised if nothing changes ??

    You’ll also want to be sure the problem is not due to your theme or a plugin. Test your site with no active plugins and a default Twenty* theme active.

    It is possible your current DB has become corrupted in a way that causes trouble with certain queries. Creating a new DB and altering wp-config.php to use it is a reasonable test. If the problem persists on a new DB, you can go back to your original DB. With a new, empty DB, you will need to run /wp-admin/install.php again.

    If the problem goes away with a new DB, you could try migrating the old data into the new via the phpMyAdmin app. Assuming there’s data there you’d prefer not to lose. If migrating old data causes the problem to recur, you’ll have to accept the loss and start with another new DB. I don’t think it’ll come to that, I suspect the problem lies elsewhere on the server.

    Thread Starter larryadamache


    Hi, I’m back.

    After I de-activated all the plugins and the problem seemed to go away. Then I started activating them one at a time until adding UpdraftPlus resulted in the problem returning. I deleted UpdraftPlus again and the problem went away for a while then it returned somewhat although not as bad. I deleted my website, the database and all the WordPress files – re-installed everything and re-created my website (larryadamache.com) and the problems returned. So, I de-activated UpdraftPlus again and the problem went away again. If it returns like last time I don’t know what I’ll do – so you may hear from me again.



    Moderator bcworkz


    Ugh! Issues that arise without a clear causation can be difficult to identify. I’m not sure Updraft+ does much on a regular basis that would cause trouble. Of course when it actually runs a backup it could cause trouble. Can you correlate the problems coming back with a scheduled update?

    If you can correlate any action that would cause the trouble to arise that is reproducible, it would go a long ways towards isolating the cause.

    Hopefully you will not need the above advice and all is well. “Fingers crossed”

    Thread Starter larryadamache


    Yeh, Updraft+ is a puzzle because I haven’t even used it since I re-built my site. Anyway, since removing Updraft+ the problem has occurred again, and occurs randomly – sometimes Google will load it slow (a minute) & other times Win will (just a few minutes apart). I’m not going to do any significant development on my website for a while – maybe remove a part at a time such as a page & wait to see what happens.

    Another issue has come up since renewing my site. When I go to login WordPress/admin, the login screen comes back with a message that my browser doesn’t allow cookies – which it does. If I click on the login again, it opens. Another mystery.

    Anyway, thanks for your suggestions – any other ideas would be most welcome.


    Moderator bcworkz


    The cookies are not allowed message happens to me once in a while. I think it’s just a communications glitch. Like you, when I retry it usually works just fine. I don’t think there’s any need for concern with that one unless it happens frequently or prevents access after a few retries.

    In fact, after the cookies message, IIRC, directly requesting /wp-admin/ without trying to log in again has been successful. Turns our I was logged in despite the message!

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