Hi @razvan31011, thanks for reaching out to us.
I’ll need a little more information around the circumstances that might be occurring here. Are you hiding your /wp-admin URL using a third-party plugin to redirect or is this happening with an unaltered admin login page?
Secondly, are you using any Wordfence Login Security features such as 2FA or reCAPTCHA?
It’d be good to see the HTTP return code (403, 404, 503 etc.) and any on-screen error messages that you’re seeing when the URL is visited. If you could provide any supporting screenshots like the browser console “Network” tab showing red errors or messages inside the browser window itself when trying to load the page, that’d be great. You can now include images on the forums by clicking the “+” in a new paragraph block and selecting “Image“, then Upload once you’ve picked a file. Feel free to obscure any sensitive information like IP addresses/domains beforehand.