Well, progress was made over night, but all is still not well.
I decided to take the approach that the plugins aspect should be explored further.
By deactivating some and then reactivating them individually, I found that the sequence of reactivation affected my admin.
For example, My-Page-Order was the last one I activated in the most recent go-around. So I deactivated it and things got better.
I noticed that WP-Stats-Dashboard didn’t look correct so I deactivated it. My admin layout and access to various areas improved immediately. I reactivated My-Page-Order and things were still ok’ish.
Featured-Content-Gallery and things got worse. deactivated it, same. I Deactivated My-Page-Order and things were back, I reactivated My-Page-Order and things were ok’ish again.
The take away seems to be, that no matter what caused the initial problem (still a question) the sequence of plugin reactivation has an effect.
I can’t seem to update one, Redirection, the download notice never goes away.
The most important issue remaining that I know of is the the Post editor ‘Visual’ doesn’t do visual or even show the bar of options (b i link etc.) This is not good.
Do you think that an upload of, say, the newly unzipped Admin folder might be in order? or particular files from the unzip?
Thanks so much for your time,
I couldn’t have recovered without your help.