• Hello!

    I am trying to create an eCommerce store using HostGator just like in the video tutorial for making eCommerce stores:

    When you get to about 22 minutes into the video you will have installed WordPress 3.9 using QuickInstall on the cPanel at HostGator. You are asked to create an: Admin Email, Blog Title, Admin User, First Name, and Last Name. Next, you click the button “Install Now!”. After that, you are giving a message at the bottom of the installation saying Congratulations! It says, “Your installation is ready. You can access it now by going “here” (“here” is the link). They also give me the Admin Area. I tried clicking on both the “here” link and the Admin Area and all I get are blank web-pages! I have not done anything in cPanel of HostGator except install WordPress 3.9. I have been beating my head against a wall trying to solve this and I am not computer savvy so I do not really understand what FTP is or any other computer jargon. I should be getting WP-Admin Log-in pages to my Dashboard for my website, but instead; those blank web-pages. I heard about name changes to servers and some other things if that helps. I could not understand what to do, ran into complications.

    Thank You!

    P.S.: Here are links to my site so that you can see the problem:
    https://uruk-maya.com/ or https://uruk-maya.com/wp-admin.

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