• Resolved enthousiastwpuser



    I have “Webcraftic Clearfy – WordPress optimization plugin” 1.6.8 and when I enable the plugin, I got an empty WordPress admin content area.
    When I rename the plugin to something else, my WordPress admin content area is back…

    I am on WordPress 5.4.2 on a GridPane website.

    Could you please help me investigate the issue?

    Edit with screenshot : https://d.pr/i/DOVnpD

    Best regards.

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  • Hello.

    Try reinstalling the plugin.

    Thread Starter enthousiastwpuser


    Hello @webtemyk,

    I just did, but still the same

    To understand what happened, we need to look at the errors. To do this, enable debug mode – add these lines to the wp-config.php file:

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); 
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );

    After that, activate the plugin Clearly and go to the white screen page. After that, you can deactivate the plugin and disable debugging mode.
    Error messages will appear in the wp-content/debug.log file. Send them all here

    Thread Starter enthousiastwpuser


    There is no error just some PHP Notice and that is not coming from Clearfy.

    But here what I have when Clearfy is activated: https://d.pr/i/Pt83GN
    And when I deactivated Clearfy I got my “wpbody” again: https://d.pr/i/V81L39

    Try installing the previous version. If everything is fine, then reset your settings before updating.

    Thread Starter enthousiastwpuser


    I did install Clearfy 1.6.5 or 1.6.6 but still the same inexistant wpbody in my admin area.

    You need to clear the Clearfy settings. You will be able to query the database to clean settings?

    Thread Starter enthousiastwpuser


    Yes sure, tell me how and I’ll do it

    Make sure to back up the database before making this query:
    DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE '%wbcr_clearfy%'

    Thread Starter enthousiastwpuser


    After executing the query and re-enabling the plugin, it’s working again ??

    I have the same problem.
    This solution didn’t work for me.
    Everytime I reinstall and re-enable Clearfy I end up with a blank Admin page?
    Query returned:
    #1146 – Table ‘. . . wp_options’ doesn’t exist

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by cars4starters.

    Hello, @cars4starters

    Your site uses a different database prefix. Find the *_options table and replace the name in the query

    I couldn’t find it using this method.
    I used this method instead to clear any settings.
    I located the block of entries for Clearfy and deleted all the values against them, then did a save.
    I then installed Cleafy plugin again.
    Unfortunately with the same result – the admin page once again went blank.

    Only the method I described above will help you. You can find the prefix for database tables in the file wp-config.php


    This is fact that your plugin is emptying the backend of the site.
    A few days ago, I also unexpectedly ran into this.
    By the method of exclusion it was found out that the fault is in your plugin.. Moreover, I checked the possible presence of conflicts with other plugins, specifically disabling absolutely all other plugins. Even when other plugins are completely disabled, the contents of the admin page no longer appear immediately after the activation of your plugin.

    Agree, this should not be so. If you cannot explain and eliminate the cause of what is happening, then site administrators are not wise to use a plug-in, which may unexpectedly lead to similar problems.
    It was easier for me to uninstal the plugin completely, since the site where there were problems with it is at the development stage. I’ll see how it behaves on several of my other sites.



    То, что ваш плагин опустошает бэкенд сайта, факт.
    Несколько дней назад тоже неожиданно столкнулся с этим.
    Методом исключения было установлено, что вина в вашем плагине. Более того, я проверил возможное наличие конфликтов с другими плагинами, специально отключив абсолютно все остальные плагины. Даже при полностью отключённых других плагинах, содержание страницы администратора перестаёт отображаться сразу же после активации вашего плагина.

    Согласитесь, такого уж не должно быть. Если вы не можете пояснить и устранить причину происходящего, то администраторам сайтов не разумно использовать плагин, который неожиданно может привести к подобным проблемам.
    Мне проще было снести плагин полностью, благо сайт, где с ним возникли проблемы, находится на этапе разработки. Посмотрю, как он будет вести себя на нескольких других моих сайтах.

    С уважением,
    Фарид Тазиев.

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