• Hi! I have very very weird problem.

    I was editing my site on MAMP on my Windows computer. After i did every changes I packaged the database and files and moved them to my MAC computer.

    On Mac im using MAMP as well. I placed the files and imported the database. I changed urls the in the wp-otions table and so.

    Everything was working correctly. But the wp-admin is giving Blank page. I noticed that if i rename plugins folder i can access wp-admin… If I enable the plugins it stops working once again.

    So, how it works on my Windows MAMP but not on my MAC MAMP? Why im getting blank wp-admin page?

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  • Hello Tonarves,
    Try Enabling Debugging as it may be suppressing an error. Also try switching to your default theme/disabling plugins.

    Thread Starter Tonarves


    I enabled debugging. I get the following:

    ce: yith_ywraq_session_d867b9e24927d85f150e9faf09de753d cookie cannot be set – headers already sent by /Volumes/Data HD/htdocs/test/wp-content/plugins/nextend-facebook-connect/nextend-facebook-settings.php on line 541 in /Volumes/Data HD/htdocs/test/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-core-functions.php on line 733

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /Volumes/Data HD/htdocs/test/wp-content/plugins/nextend-facebook-connect/nextend-facebook-settings.php:541) in /Volumes/Data HD/htdocs/test/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1174

    As I mentioned, if i delete plugins folder, i can log in. But when I re-enable the plugins, the wp-admin goes blank (white screen). This cannot be caused by the plugins because the installation works perfectly on my windows MAMP but when i move the database and files to my MAC MAMP it gives me blank wp-admin. All other pages are working correctly.

    Could there be some problems with phpmyadmin export on windows mamp? Or something…

    It’s possible that one of the plugin files was corrupted during the transfer (Nextend Facebook) and is causing it to throw the “headers already sent by” error. Try moving just that plugin out of your plugins folder and reloading the admin page.

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