• David-T


    I’m having a really weird problem, under Appearance / Menus, I can’t click on the menu items and get the dropdown section where you can usually edit “Navigation Label” and click the “Remove” button. The arrow that is usually there is gone..

    Just so you know, I have already spent the entire day trying to figure this out, including searching on this forum.

    This is what I’ve tried:

    Deactivating all plugins
    Deleting All Plugins
    Deleting Wp-includes & WP-admin
    Deleting my Theme and Switching to Twenty Fourteen

    Nothing worked, can someone point me in the right direction here? What could be the reason??

    Image illustrating the problem

    The website

    Thank you!


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  • bmsmith25


    I’m no expert but can’t mod_pagespeed be controlled through your .htaccess file?

    Assuming if you are developing wordpress you have access to FTP and your .htaccess file.

    I’ve tried disabling and it had no impact on the dropdown arrow issue.


    Thread Starter David-T


    I’ve tried that too bmsith25, no luck here.



    I’ve confirmed on two separate hosting accounts where I’m seeing this behaviour that mod_pagespeed is not enabled.

    This is a mystery.

    Only thing consistent on my end is that the downarrows no menu are visible on mac and not on windows. Doesn’t matter what browser on either.

    Thread Starter David-T


    Yep, works fine in Safari on my iPad for me as well.

    bmsmith, are you using DanDomain or a different host? I’m asking because me and another customer use them and we are both trying hard to make them help us out. I figure the more who complain to them the more motivated they will be to help.

    I promise I will post the solution here if I find one, I’m not just going to disappear once my problem is solved.



    No – I have one site on GoDaddy and one site on Dreamhost.

    Thread Starter David-T


    The host refuses to do something about it, the last thing they wrote me was

    “so you tell me that WordPress works in Safari, so that must mean that it works”

    *Case Closed*

    Not even addressing the fact that the problem is that it doesn’t work on WINDWOWS computers.


    I have never witnessed such bad customer service on my entire life on the Internet, and I got all the documentation to back it up. I’m taking the case up with the owners, but I sincerely doubt that will do anything.



    Oh dear. ?? Any chance of moving to a better hosting company?

    Thread Starter David-T


    I will certainly move esmi, asap, unfortunately my client signed up with them for 12 months, and they have a business policy that writes (literally, I’m not exaggerating anything) that “regardless the problem you may experience, we take no responsibility for anything” and they don’t offer refunds.

    Of course that’s not all of it, but that’s the essence of their policy , so it doesn’t matter if the problem is on their side, it’s the customers problem and they won’t do anything to help.

    Have anyone ever heard of such ridiculous policy? I spoke with another host today, and they were like “of course it’s our responsibility to make sure WP runs properly on our servers” <- Like it should be.



    That’s awful… I guess I’m just lucky that I work primarily on a Mac… Still scouring the earth for a solution…



    Hi, i have the exact same problem, also using DanDomain, it works fine on a apple computer, but not on a Windows.

    I will also call DanDomain tomorrow, just to let them know that yet another user have a problem with their server.

    BR Dennis

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