• So this is weird. I’m using a page as an about page and then at the bottom iv create 4 li’s to hold pictures of the clients and link to individual pages about them – as i have done dozens of times on other websites. It works fine in Firefox – however in webkit browsers ( dolphinHD, safari and chrome ) the urls have an extra string in them after the main domain – iv included comparison code below [reduced it to just the one li for readibility – theyre all the same but with dif links]. And heres a link to the page – https://www.farmware.net/aboutest/

    HTML entered into about page via wordpress backend

    <ul class="about-page-profiles">
    <div class="about-profile-image"><a href="https://www.farmware.net/about/partners/"><img src="https://www.farmware.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/partners1.jpg"/></a></div>
    <strong>See Our Partners</strong>

    HTML that appears in chrome and safari

    <ul class="about-page-profiles">
    <div class="about-profile-image"><a href="https://www.farmware.net/downloadsabout/partners/"><img src="https://www.farmware.net/downloadswp-content/uploads/2012/05/partners1.jpg"/></a></div>
    <p><strong>See Our Partners</strong>

    Note that the word ‘downloads’ has been added to the image and link urls – there is no downloads page, there is no downloads folder in the root dir or in the theme dir.

    Edit: Ok so its only affecting the ‘entry’ div and only on ALL wp pages [not custom templates, only stuff entered in via the WYSIWYG], the blog posts are fine. And within that only links to farmware.net – if i put a link to google for example it works fine. Any farmware.net urls in the page entry get modified to have ‘downloads’ in the url.

    Anyone got any ideas?

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