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  • Plugin Author Ahmed Kaludi


    Hi, Sorry for the inconvenience extremely. Can you please let us know the version of AMPforWP along with the theme which you are using currently? So that we will assist you to resolve the issue by analyzing the issue.

    Thread Starter peterertl


    AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages for WordPress/ Ver 1.0.82

    AMP Extension Manger Plugin./ Ver 1.10.16

    Jetpack Ver 11.9.1 

    WP 6.2




    Both work good before upgrading 6.2 WP version SEE links (at this moment I closed automatic redirection in setup, so at the end you have to write AMP)

    See pictures, see links

    MAIN PROBLEM: Tiled gallery (JETPACK) showed pictures onebyone before (which was OK) but regular size. Now all images are distorted (see pictures), the Height parameter is not transmitted. Problem is the same at every gallery (hundreds of galleries) WP gallery

    WP GALLERY is broken but mostly  it is not systematic – means not every is broken some works good

    WP GALLERY some links

    Tiled jetpack gallery (height parameter missing) every gallery is corrupt

    Both galleries worked perfectly before, problem start just some days ago (I believe after 6.2 WP upgrade)

    I have also ticket 7479 there are printscreen of problem there

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by peterertl.
    Thread Starter peterertl


    Hi could someone help me? AMP or anyone who understand AMP proces? I wait for 4 days and premium support didn’t solve anything and communicates very sparingly

    Plugin Author Ahmed Kaludi


    Hi, Sorry for the inconvenience. We have raised the GitHub ticket regarding this. We will fix this issue and get back to you with an update once it gets fixed.

    Here is the reference ticket of it to track the updates:

    Thread Starter peterertl


    This is just the smaller problem. More important problem is: That ampforwp bad interpret aspect ratio of images from JETPACK TILED GALLERIES. I reference it several times in support and here also.

    The main problem is TILED GALERIES from JETPACK. There is hundreds of galleries which ampforwp perfectly interpreted to responsive images before and now all pictures has bad aspect ratio.

    See samples

    AMP change aspect ratio of all images inside galeries

    As I wrote to spupport before in 90% problem is in classes interptation somewhere between

    AMPforWP and WP, JETPACK, or ZAKRA theme

    I?have sent samples of code to support in previous mail. But I expected that support of AMPforWP is familiar in, and someone who had coded ampforwp know, how ampforwp interpret main functions of wp. It is not elementor nor divi, nothing special just base Jetpack Tiled gallery and WP gallery, the most usefull function of WP. ??

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by peterertl.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by peterertl.
    Plugin Author Ahmed Kaludi


    Hi, Sorry for the inconvenience. We are here to assist you. We are working on it and it will be fixed in the next milestone 1.0.84. Once it gets fixed then we will get back to you with an update soon.

    Here is the reference GitHub link to track the updates:

    Thread Starter peterertl


    Hi Ahmed, after experiencing AMP support, I decided to turn off AMP and optimize web in a different way. Thus, the problem of Galleries is closed for me.

    I am sorry that I had to make this decision, but the quality and speed of your support really did not meet my expectations. I have therefore decided to terminate AMP support of our sites and cooperation with you with immediate effect. I can’t wait weeks for fix. I turned off AMP on the site yesterday.

    Leaving aside the fact that no fundamental change has appeared in recent years, neither design nor theme, we cannot build on such an unstable application with such support

    On April 3, 9 days ago, I paid you the license fee – renewal renewal – restart – Peter Ertl – for another year. Unfortunately, the AMP didn’t work properly for an hour and the support dragged me for 5 days without doing anything concrete. So I am asking them to return the license fee, as I have not used it and will not use it. I also wrote this request to support, but unfortunately, again, no one responds. Your support is killing your perfect plugin we have been working with for 5 years.

    Thanks for answear

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by peterertl.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by peterertl.
    Plugin Author Ahmed Kaludi


    Hi, We are extremely sorry for this negative experience with the plugin. Currently, we are working on this bug with high priority. And it will be fixed in the next coming milestone 1.0.84. We will fix this bug and get back to you with an update. Please kindly wait for the update. We are here to assist you if you require any assistance with the plugin.

    Thread Starter peterertl


    Hello Ahmed, you probably did not read correctly, what I wrote before. We turned off AMP a week ago and found a replacement solution. We have definitely turned off AMP and will no longer use it on our pages after this experience.

    The only thing we still expect is the refund of the new license year fee we paid you a few days ago. I have written three tickets for this, but so far I have not received a meaningful answer regarding the refund. We ask for refundation only now.

    I am sorry that our long-term cooperation has ended like this, but we cannot afford such lengthy and unsolvable support. It is not the first bad experience with your support. For a long time, we considered AMP for WP to be a great product, but it is the support that kills it.

    I kindly ask for refundation. Thanks. Ticket wait some days on AMPforWP.

    Thread Starter peterertl


    Hi Ahmed. Do you mean that your team had resolve the problem with galleries? If yes maybe I can give AMP another chance.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by peterertl.
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