Here it looks like a problem with 5.5, I wrote in the post above, but it may have a connection.
I tried the test mode and everything went well once, unfortunately I subsequently started a sharp operation and the e-shop listed a problem with the payment and there is this in the console:
ba_client_id: "BP-3oqonMsOgJ-B0"
ba_partner_ids: {adverticum: "", mediaMath: ""}
ba_vid: "4425b828-f39e-42d3-b192-ca5212941c41"
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init_avh: 1040
init_avw: 1920
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init_url: ""
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ord: 0
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sid: "32871ed3-c1ed-4e7d-a32b-7c52266037e8"
tsClient: 1602622204637
vid: "4425b828-f39e-42d3-b192-ca5212941c41,6e4e1b279fea76c35c07507a436bddbc,1602621916794,1602622204636,1602622204636,32871ed3-c1ed-4e7d-a32b-7c52266037e8,1"
__proto__: Object