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  • It only appears in list view, and you need to refresh the page after the replacement to see the change, but the image does get replaced.

    Since users don’t always swap away from the (default) thumbnail view, would you consider adding a convenience link either under the thumbnail, or (more likely) in the detail view which shows when you click on a thumbnail?

    Thread Starter mending


    Yes, please! Agree ??

    Sadly, this is no longer possible in 4.0.

    See Core devs discussion on the decision to not allow plugins to add links in the modal view.

    I think it’s a bad decision, of course, and I hope it will be added in an upcoming release of WP 4.

    Still not working properly here after WP4 update M?ns. I’m not seeing the “Replace Media” option in the media library list view. Had to do all my usual weekly updates from your link on the Edit Media pages. Tedious.

    IMO your plugin provides very important functionality. WP should include it as a core feature, not lock it out of whole patches of code.

    Gergyl: No, like I said – it is no longer possible to add the EMR link in the media list view. Hopefully this will be addressed in a future WP core update.

    Hi again — is the addMediaModalAction approach that “swift” suggests in one that you could/will utilize for the modal dialog?

    It’d be much appreciated. Your plugin rocks.



    You say “Adding EMR link in the media list view is no longer possible.”

    I’m using another media plugin, Regenerate Thumbnails. And at the WP 4.0 list view, I can see Regenerate Thumbnails link just like before. And it is working properly.

    So maybe there should be a solution for this plugin as well. You plugin is really useful, I hope you continue developing it.


    This plugin still has its function appearing in the list view (and bulk actions):
    Just FYI if that helps work it out. Still working great in the Edit Media page!

    Yes agreed! – “Regenerate Thumbnails”, still shows in the Media “List View” of WP 4+ just like yours should, otherwise it seriously degrades the usefulness of your plugin!!! (agreed it is not in the Media “Modal View” but that again is adding a key click any way)

    Hope to see a fix VERY shortly – Thanks

    I will take a look at that option as soon as I have time. Right now, I have too much on my plate, so if anybody out there wants to work at it right now, please contribute to the Github repo at and issue a pull request.

    Otherwise, I’ll get to this as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

    Everybody, this fix was a lot easier than I thought. ?? It was a complete misunderstanding on my part to remove the link in the first place, so 3.01 which should be out now has the link re-inserted.

    Thank you for releasing the new version ?? Works great.

    Just an FYI… I don’t know why, but on some sites the plugin worked fine when I upgraded to the newest version. For other sites, however, I had to deactivate/delete the plugin and then download/re-install to get it working again.

    In any case, though, the Replace media link is back, and I am very happy! Thanks again.

    Great to hear new version is working with 4.0. But I don’t see it at my plugin updates page. Also the plugin page shows 3.0 as the latest version. Where can we download 3.01?


    THANK YOU !!! For making this possible in v3.01 ??

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