• When I updated to WordPress v4.0 it removed all of my custom post type permalinks and replaced them with “/”. In other words, clicking on a custom permalink takes you to the homepage.

    I have 2 custom post types: “Business” and “Coupon”. The permalink settings for Business are “/%business_cat%/%postname%/” with has_archive: false / with_front: true

    For Coupon, settings are “/coupon/%postname%/” with has_archive: false / with_front: false.

    The box is unchecked for “Use custom permalink of custom taxonomy archive”

    here is post-types.php

    // Fire this during init
    register_post_type('business', array(
        'label' => __('Businesses'),
        'singular_label' => __('Business'),
        'public' => true,
        'show_ui' => true,
        'capability_type' => 'page',
        'hierarchical' => true,
        'hierarchical_uri' => true,
        'query_var' => 'business',
        'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'author', 'thumbnail', 'excerpt', 'custom-fields', 'comments', 'revisions', 'page-attributes'),
        'taxonomies' => array('business_cat'),
        'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'business', 'with_front' => true)
    register_taxonomy('business_cat', array('business'), array(
        'label' => __('Business Categories'),
        'singular_label' => __('Business Category'),
        'hierarchical' => true,
        'hierarchical_uri' => true,
        'show_ui' => true,
        'query_var' => 'business_cat',
        'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'businesses', 'with_front' => true)
        // 'with_front' => false
    register_post_type('coupon', array(
        'label' => __('Coupons'),
        'singular_label' => __('Coupon'),
        'public' => true,
        'show_ui' => true,
        'capability_type' => 'page',
        'hierarchical' => true,
        'hierarchical_uri' => true,
        'rewrite' => false,
        'query_var' => 'coupon',
        //'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'coupon', 'with_front' => false),
        // 'with_front' => false
        'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'author', 'thumbnail', 'excerpt', 'custom-fields', 'comments', 'revisions', 'page-attributes')
    add_action('init', '_business_taxonomy');
    function _business_taxonomy() {
        global $wp_rewrite;
        //$wp_rewrite->add_permastruct('business_cat', '%business_cat%', true, true);
        $wp_rewrite->extra_permastructs['business_cat'] =
            array('businesses/%business_cat%', false);
        $wp_rewrite->add_rewrite_tag("%business_cat%", '.*?/?([^/]+)', "business_cat=");
        $wp_rewrite->extra_permastructs['business'] =
            array('business/%business_cat%/%business%', false); // business/%business_cat%/%business%
        $wp_rewrite->add_rewrite_tag("%business%", '([^/]+)', "business=");
    add_filter('term_link', '_hierarchical_terms_hierarchical_links', 12, 3);
    function _hierarchical_terms_hierarchical_links($termlink, $term, $taxonomy) {
        global $wp_rewrite;
        if ( 'business_cat' != $taxonomy ) // Change 'state' to your required taxonomy
            return $termlink;
        $termstruct = $wp_rewrite->get_extra_permastruct($taxonomy);
        if (empty($termstruct)) // If rewrites are disabled, fall back to the current link
            return $termlink;
        if ( empty($term->parent) ) // Fall back to the current link for parent terms
            return $termlink;
        $nicename = $term->slug;
        while ( !empty($term->parent) ) {
            $term = get_term($term->parent, $taxonomy);
            $nicename = $term->slug . '/' . $nicename;
        $termlink = str_replace("%$taxonomy%", $nicename, $termstruct);
        $termlink = home_url( user_trailingslashit($termlink, 'category') );
        return $termlink;
    add_filter('post_link', '_hierarchical_posts_hierarchical_links', 8, 3);
    add_filter('post_type_link', '_hierarchical_posts_hierarchical_links', 8, 3);
    function _hierarchical_posts_hierarchical_links($permalink, $post, $leavename) {
        global $wp_rewrite;
        if ($post->post_type != 'business')
            return $permalink;
        $postlink = $wp_rewrite->get_extra_permastruct('business');
        $post_name = $post->post_name;
        if (!empty($post->post_parent)) {
            $parent_posts = get_post($post->post_parent);
            $post_name = $parent_posts->post_name . '/' . $post_name;
        $postlink = str_replace("%business%", $post_name, $postlink);
        $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'business_cat');
        if (!empty($terms)) {
            foreach ($terms as $term_id => $term) {
                $termname = $term->slug . '/' . $termname;
            $termname = substr($termname, 0, -1); // remove the trailing slash
        $postlink = str_replace("%business_cat%", $termname, $postlink);
        $postlink = str_replace("//", '/', $postlink);
        return home_url(user_trailingslashit($postlink, 'single'));
    //add_action('init', 'flush_rewrite_rules');


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  • Hi Todd, did you get this fixed in the end? I’ve got the same issue. Thanks, Mike

    Thread Starter toddhol



    I did get the problem resolved. I had been using a plugin called “Custom Post Type Permalinks” which had been working for me until the upgrade. I removed the plugin and reinstalled it (even though it has not been tested with the current version of WP). Once activated, I went to Settings=>Permalinks and edited the default settings for custom post type permalinks. I also discovered that after the WP upgrade the category settings for custom posts had been stripped. Specifically, the checkbox for the parent category had been toggled off, leaving only the child category selected. This resulted in 404 errors for custom posts because the permalinks didn’t match the slugs. To remedy this, I had to reselect the parent category for each child post in the post editor.

    Hope this helps!

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