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  • Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    I work on a new version. Please can you test this with the current development version. You can download on the dev repo:

    Thanks for feedback.

    Thread Starter devadam



    I downloaded the latest version from the Github repo but the button is still not shown in Visual Editor. Please see screenshots below. Text Visual Settings

    i’d like “AddQuicktag” since longer time.

    now, on WP 3.8, i tried to use the new 2.2.3 rc1.

    first i will agree – the button(s) is still not shown in Visual Editor.

    but it has surprisingly nice new view in backend & very likely option to remove some unneeded Core Quicktag buttons. i did remove some and had a look, in the code-view they are gone, in the visual mode all did remain sadly.

    one question: how to remove h1 – h6?

    i wish this will function in future, should be best for css-dau-users in the backend ??

    one question else:
    should it be possible to arrange the new made quicktags in a dropdown-menue instead of putting them all side by side in an getting endless row order?

    thanks at all for this!

    WP 3.8

    the button(s) are suddenly not shown in text Editor too – ups.

    Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    @devadam: In your screenshots are the buttons in visual and text editor. In the visual mode is it the drop down on the left “Quicktags”, line 2, in the visual editor.

    @aundc: The new version will remove the default quicktags, not the button at the visual mode.

    Is your question “one question: how to remove h1 – h6?” for the visual or text mode?

    I think, currently, I will not add the possibility to rerange the buttons. But I will add this to my wish list and think about.

    You see not the new buttons in the text editor? Do you have active the options on the settings page?

    Is your question “one question: how to remove h1 – h6?” for the visual or text mode?

    this is meant for the visual mode – in the text mode there are only left a few (+ the new ones), quite good. ??

    ups, sorry: it seems that i’d forgot to activate the options on the settings page, cause it’s outside the viewports width so far on the right.

    now i can see the new buttons in the text editor and in the visual editor in a drop down on the left named “Quicktags” – how pretty!

    eine erg?nzung in deutsch weil es ich um deutspr. Text handelt: es steht da: “Erg?nze neue Buttons, in dem die unteren Felder ausgefüllt werden.” Da in der rc-version die neuen Buttons jedoch oberhalb “erzeugt” werden, müsstest Du “unteren” durch “oberen” ersetzen?


    Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    Thanks a lot for the feedback – Danke vielmals. ?nderungen der Sprachdatei mache ich ad hoc.

    The plugin allow no changes on the visual mode! For this requirement use the plugin TinyMCE Advanced or you must create a custom plugin. Especially for the h1-h6 topic is it not so easy, see my solution on this WPSE answer.

    hi Frank
    the old and the new version of ADD Quicktags is killing TinyMCE
    WP 3.8 on new installation
    it works like a charme on text mode, but I can’t switch to TinyMCE because it is not visible

    Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    @monika: right, the currently dev version works, download on github. But with WP 3.9 was change the tinymce and I must rewrite the visual part. I will do this, but currently I found no time to write the lines.

    thanks Frank

    I will wait ??

    I’m also waiting to get a fix for WordPress 3.9 ??

    Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    The new version is live, more a RC status. Please test and give feedback. Thanks.

    Warning: require_once(/......./wp-content/plugins/addquicktag/inc/class-remove-quicktags.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /......../wp-content/plugins/addquicktag/inc/class-settings.php on line 125

    und gleich danach “fatal error” wegen derselben Datei ..


    Bei mir werden die Quicktags im visuellen Editor mit der neuen Version jetzt wieder (nach einem L?schen des Browsercaches) angezeigt. Danke dafür, ich hab sie sehr vermisst.

    nun funktioniert es auch bei mir
    aber erst nachdem ich nun wieder heruntergeladen und via ftp hochlud.

    ?? ??

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