• Resolved chaos


    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/ninja-forms/includes/processing_functions.php on line 38 and defined in /var/www/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
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  • Plugin Author James Laws


    Very sorry about this. We’ve been working feverishly on the 2.0 release that we missed this. We are updating the plugin in just a few minutes and that should correct this issue.

    I have the same error using the Sharebar plugin. Until the developers update their plugins try this in your function.php

    ini_set( ‘display_errors’, false );
    error_reporting( 0 );

    It stops error mesages and once the plugin devs update- just remove the code.

    Worked over at https://www.outdoorphotography.co.nz/ I hope this helps

    Find to string


    change new

    $query = (string) $query;
    $wpdb->get_var(($wpdb->prepare(mysq…,$query ))


    I posted this in another thread, with same error but different plugin.

    There are lots of plugins affected by the new update.

    Just did a google search for “wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990” and only list the sites in the last 24 hours, and already thousands of sites show up with problems in different plugins.

    So, I guess that probably 100+ plugins were affected by this update, and probably much more.

    Now, chaging so many plugins would take very very long.

    Is there a way to fix this in WP ?

    Plugin Author James Laws


    We fixed it already in our plugin and it’s a very easy fix. WordPress isn’t doing anything wrong they simply changed a second argument in the prepare() function mandatory instead of optional.

    Plugin devs have had plenty of time to correct this, including us. Hopefully everyone updates their code quickly so that users don’t have these issues but it’s nothing that needs to be fixed in WordPress.

    Thread Starter chaos


    Thanks James I’ll grab the Pro version in a minute and throw up 3.5

    I owe you a beer.

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