• Resolved Anonymous User 907751


    I’ve noticed that there is a whole thread that began after the release of WordPress 2.9 (On facebook) of a small community of people that have the same issue like me.

    Our site has stopped finding the thumbnails right after we’ve upgraded to the WordPress 2.9. Any share to Facebook can result in hours of “Searching for thumbnail” and nothing will be found. In addition to that, it sometimes would not even sync the title itself and just show the destination url. This is also the problem with Digg.com submission, it may even tell me that the url does not exist!

    We’re really frustrated and were trying to downgrade to 2.8 but unsuccessfully and now we are stuck. Any suggestions?

    Here is our website: https://www.bloginity.com

    Note that all the posts after the upgrade will not be able to be shared.

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  • thumbnails nails not working for me either…

    Yes, we’re experiencing the same issue; It just stopped, and now it only posts one of three graphics that don’t even appear on the posting… very weird. We’re using the 3.0.1 version of WP. The real problem is that this completely undermines the selection of graphics we use to get traffic in a Facebook posting; the graphic selections help us attract attention – now the only thing that shows up is our logo, which ALREADY appears because the posting is on our Facebook PAGE…

    Ironically, it is NOT happening if you repost something from a news site, like the Wall Street Journal page, although sometimes the images it does seem to offer (you can cycle through them) are just randomly pulled from graphics on the page.

    The first person who can solve this will get a great big bottle of champagne from me!…

    I’m posting mainly to get an update when someone finds an answer. I have just recently started using WP and this is a big deal to not have a picture for Facebook posts.

    Tim Lorang

    As previous post, i’m looking 4 a solution too. Anyone?
    My blog is at https://www.latincaster.net

    I fixed this issue easily. Try to follow the step by step of this article:


    I added what you said (the plugin) and not only the permalink worked, but the sharing as well !!!! Thanks ………. so much.

    Tried that netfly, and it worked…but only once! Now I’m back to no thumbnails…I suck….AGAIN.

    Ok, the asame for me. The solution worked sometimes and stopped. Now the picture appears on the sharing screen, but not on the facebook post itself !

    what I don’t understand is why some wordpress blog don’t have the same problem. I saw many examples. It may be a plugin installed individually that conflicts with the sharing.

    any ideas ?

    Yea, this says resolved,but it seems the furthest from that…for me anyway.Looks like many others as well!:(

    Just realized that in category view, the my facebook and digg share pics up every thumb and pic in the whole category.

    Does not pic up squat otherwise. Well except, it will pick up an inline picture in an article though, better than nothing. Would be nice to pick up thumbs like it suppose to.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    The ticket is marked resolved because the person who submitted it got it to work for them.

    The problems are vast and until Facebook publishes their methodology for detection of images in posts, we’re never going to be able to sort it out.

    The only ‘workaround’ that works for just about everyone is to include the image inline in your post. That implies that Facebook doesn’t want to show a default image, they want to show your ‘content’ images, and are using their own super sneaky algorithm to do so :/

    I suppose if you tweaked your code to include the featured image IN the content of the post, but hidden from the regular viewers, you could fool FaceBook, but at that point, it’s too much effort for me to hit their insane moving target and FaceBook can bite itself for me ??



    If you’re using a CDN or hotlinking is disabled it won’t work.

    I’m now trying to figure out how to remove the url base https://www.mydomain.com from this function so then I can add my standard base url rather than cdn.mydomain.com/image.jpg

    If anyone can fix this code to remove the base URL everyone’s problem is solved right away..

    # Displays post image attachment for FB (sizes: thumbnail, medium, full)
    function fb_attachment_image($postid=0, $size='thumbnail', $attributes='') {
    	if ($postid<1) $postid = get_the_ID();
    	if ($images = get_children(array(
    		'post_parent' => $postid,
    		'post_type' => 'attachment',
    		'numberposts' => 1,
    		'post_mime_type' => 'image',)))
    		foreach($images as $image) {
    			$attachment=wp_get_attachment_image_src($image->ID, $size);
    			?><?php echo $attachment[0]; ?><?php

    This code is then used like this inside <head>

    <meta property="og:image" content="<?php fb_attachment_image($post->ID, 'thumbnail'); ?>"><link rel="image_src" href="<?php fb_attachment_image($post->ID, 'thumbnail'); ?>" />

    Once we solve removing the base URL everyone with a CDN can still have their thumbnails working on FB as long as hotlinking images is not turned off ??

    Hello How about custom field image? how can i use this to share my correct image on facebook.. pls tell me where exactly to paste the image because i dont know much about coding..

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    At this point, we’re well past this being a Alpha/Beta problem. I’m closing this, NOT because it’s resolved for all people but because at this point, it’s not helping anyone.

    IF you need help, post about it in How To and Troubleshooting and make a really good, descriptive, subject ??

    Like halluzineyt, you should do ‘How to make a custom field image show as thumbnail on Facebook?’

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