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  • Thanks a lot for the info, Oleg.
    BTW, email sent to the address at your homepage is bouncing back.

    Thread Starter Oleg Butuzov


    Hi Tomas, thanks for your answer.

    1) about mail, i have write few times here but (and its mu fault ) i havn’t change email at my own site. my mail is “butuzov (at)”

    2) i am sorry i can’t finish it to time. unfortunatly i have a lot of work right now. i will be busy till monday after that i have a week to pass ZCE. so i plan to work 26-30 July for a new version.

    what i am plannig to add.

    1) revisions support (todo)
    2) FCKEditor already removed and TinyMCE will be default and only one editor. (todo)
    3) will be added support to automaticly translation (using Google translate) (todo)
    4) i have make better saving of translations. (already done)
    5) categories translation same as old but if you use own taxonomies – it will work for tham too. (already done)
    6) added donate page (support and development took a lot of time, so i hope i will get some donations)
    7) made better interface (i hope it’s better) done
    8) annded new feature “plugins compability” – plugin will update a list of supported plugins. as i have test for now just Organize Series and WP e-Commerse plugins. i hope to add Google sitemap and allin-one seo compability (todo)

    well i think its all…
    also version 2.0 contain new bugs and fixes for old bug(s)

    – removed categories (get_term) error
    – removed redirect bug (whan people got /en/en/en/en/en/en/en/en/) error…

    also will be able trac engine for bug reports.

    fuh… seams thats all…

    Looking forward to this update of this GREAT plug-in!

    Hi, what’s new about the new version? When do you think it will be available? (I’m talking about the version which works with WP 2.6+).

    Read you soon,

    Thread Starter Oleg Butuzov


    ready for debug desting… just mail me. butuzov (at) made (one more dot) com dot ua

    but there is a few tricks with new version. with editor…
    i will be glad to send plugin for beta testing…

    Thread Starter Oleg Butuzov


    <img src=”; border=”0″ alt=”Image Hosting by” />

    images of new plugin

    Hi Oleg,

    Just want to say that I’m really looking forward to trying and testing your plugin once its ready for wp2.6+. Screen shots look great ??


    So, what’s up with the new release? I sent you an email to have a test version but there’s still nothing in my mailbox ??

    Read you soon…

    Thread Starter Oleg Butuzov


    mail to you David sent 25 august.
    i have sent to dduret@*****.com

    can you provide another mail?

    Hi, I sent you an other email address by email.

    Thread Starter Oleg Butuzov


    damn, how you watch this reples so fast?
    (is here some where reminders?)

    Thread Starter Oleg Butuzov


    please send your mail (via request help) or to to be included to betta testing.

    betta testing will start (i hope) this week.

    Hi Oleg, I did not tested yet the version you sent me a few days ago but if you have an update, please send it me by mail.

    PS: to follow the answers, you can use the RSS feed of this topic (eg: ??


    Thread Starter Oleg Butuzov


    i hope to finish betta till friday (seams i dont have much time to work on it….)

    but i will try to finish it.

    any progress?

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