• Sorry to start a new thread on this topic, but I think the old one has gotten so long that it’s hard to wade through.

    To summarize: quite a few people were unhappy with the new write panels – specifically the amount of scrolling required and the lack of notification of open drafts. Sapphire, eric23, vintagepretty and myself posted hacks to make the screens more usable. It was suggested that the hacks be added to trac, in the hope that they would be incorporated into a future release.

    The ticket in trac has been closed as “invalid” for being “not an idea for trac.” Matt has further taken it upon himself to pronounce it ugly. He is, of course, entitled to his opinion. But that makes me think that getting this change into a release will not be easy.

    Several days ago, gambit37 posted an idea to make at least some of these changes permanent. If you agree, please go over there and vote.

    If you want to see what my “ugly” changes looked like, there’s a picture here..

    You can download the changes here.

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  • Thread Starter jabecker


    Goodness, I just realised how badly implemented the ideas navigation is too.

    You can view the latest Ideas and the highest rated Ideas on the first page, and select to see More of either. But once you’ve seen that More page, there is no way of seeing all the ideas in a simple way: you have to use Search, or select “You haven’t rated” from the left menu which gives you 5 randomly selected Ideas.

    As a result, it’s virtually impossible for a user browsing the Ideas page to see anything that isn’t New or Highly Rated.

    Click on “Ideas” and then on “Under Consideration.” That brings up the list of all ideas.

    jabecker – i just wanted to drop my $.02 that i like your design better than the wp default and hope they implement it. in the meantime, i’ll be using your hack. thank you!

    Thread Starter jabecker


    Click on “Ideas” and then on “Under Consideration.” That brings up the list of all ideas.

    Apparently you have to be logged in to see the list of other options.

    Horrible navigation, indeed!

    chewru — please vote!

    Just a quick note to say that with a couple of tweaks, Judy’s hack works really well with the Fluency admin theme and makes the whole thing so much better, I’ve actually briefly stopped hating the 2.5 upgrade!

    Find out more here:


    You all might be interested to know that I emailed Matt Mullenweg asking when he was going to make a public comment on these issues. He said:

    There has been plenty of discussion on the public developer mailing lists. Every release of WP generates polar reactions, to be honest 2.5 hasn’t really had any more than we have in the past. We collate the feedback and will be trying a few different approaches to things like categories that people seem to be having the most trouble with.

    Thank you gambit37 for pushing through with the pre-2.5 Write panel issue. As I’ve mentioned to jabecker in her website, imagine scrolling down the iframe of the 2.5 Write panel to check one or more of my 60+ categories/sub-categories when I use WordPress as CMS… it was a nightmare.
    Thank you again jabecker (Judy) for taking time out from your knitting to come up with the WordPress hack to restore the Write panels to pre-2.5. The installation was painless, the result … heavenly ??

    Anyone know if this works with 2.5.1 ?

    I can confirm the hack works in 2.5.1 using Safari, IE7, Opera Latest, Firefox 3.0 b5.

    IE8 doesn’t seem to render right:
    Can’t type in ‘title’ or ‘post’ section, and the input sections (even though you can’t input) are gigantic.

    Pretty odd because IE8 is supposed to be ‘standards based’ and IE7 isn’t. Can anyone confirm this with the IE8 beta?

    The file dates are older than the ones in 2.5.1 telling me perhaps something has changed in the new css version.

    Bah humbug. I’ll take a broken link if it makes my panel look pretty again.

    Otherwise you could compare code from this a 2.5.0 and see what was changed, that way you could self-update without breaking anything.

    Anyways, it works on my blogs. I just wish 2.5 wasn’t so retarded. It is – it is retarding my ability to enjoy WordPress.

    Thread Starter jabecker


    Hi. I’ve updated 2.5.1 with my hack. The modified files can be downloaded from the same place. Please download and replace the prior version.

    Use at your own risk, no guaranty, no warranty, no support. Yadda yadda.

    In this version I tried to clearly mark what I’d changed so it’s a little better documented internally. I also took the opportunity to decrease some of the annoying white space in the admin header. (I know the name of my blog, thankyouverymuch.)

    jabecker, thanks for all your hard work! just an FYI it still doesnt render right in IE8, which is starting to seem like IE7 all over again. =)

    Thread Starter jabecker


    I haven’t started playing with IE8 yet, so I’m afraid you’ll have to be on your own there. I usually blog with FF and it looks fine. It’s not perfect, but usable, in IE7.

    Jabecker, thanks for your timely and useful hacks. my write page looks great now.
    I haven’t dared 2.5.1 yet. What’s new with that? ie. what gets changed?
    I’ve blogged about you on:

    One thing that 2.5 broke was the link in my header to my home page. Haven’t been able to figure out where to change that. it was there before, and my other wordpress blog which I haven’t updated yet still has it, tho somehow it got problems out of the blue….

    I haven’t dared 2.5.1 yet. What’s new with that? ie. what gets changed?

    I believe there are security fixes.

    See here:


    and here. (closed tickets for 2.5.1).

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