• Sometime the eagerness to bring change can be VERY unmotivated.

    The button that said “Save and continue editing” in the editor was a great, obvious feature.
    I can’t think of any imaginable reason to remove it, except that who removed it probably didn’t use it. He maybe had a so fast connection he could get in and out of the editor at the speed of light.

    It is absurd to write without saving now and then, or to save only when one has finished and can walk out of the page. Especially if you don’t use the horrid wysywyg thing, like me.

    Please WP people, do consider give us back this feature. At least as an option in the settings “walk out of the page after saving” or something.

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Does that screw up the RSS feed or the blog flow or is it otherwise bad blogging protocol to do it that way. I basically have a longish list of links every morning and I like to update the post as I find the links… so is that bad form?

    Generally speaking, yes. Your RSS feed will update the moment you update posts, but some of your readers may not see the post again in their feedreaders. This especially applies to anybody using Google Reader (which is usually the most popular one), because Google Reader caches your feed and will not update older posts like that.

    See, once you’ve published your content, then it’s out there, and not everybody is necessarily reading your blog by looking at your site. Your content is syndicated, people might read it elsewhere. Almost all the blogs I read I don’t actually go and visit unless I have a comment for them or something.

    So, it is generally bad form to modify a post after publication, or to do it too often. Better to post your links as separate posts, but style them differently or something. Search for “asides” for ideas on how to do this. For example, Matt’s blog uses asides quite a lot, you can see that they’re styled differently (red bar on their left, no title or author, etc). It’s an idea, anyway.

    I just noticed that when the post is autosaved, a Preview This Post button appears above the publish status. If I do a manual save, though, I am taken out of the write window and to the (unpublished) post. Going back and forth that way is highly unproductive compared with going between two separate tabs/windows, i.e., the write window and the preview (which you can reload after each manual save — e.g., to check a table or list layout).

    So, any answer so far?

    I’ve got the same problem some have reported: when saving, I’m taken to the “preview” screen.

    I’m seeing the same odd save-and-kick stuff. I haven’t done an exhaustive test, but I do edit posts that have already been published, so maybe that’s where I am seeing it. I find it very discombobulating (ching! $10!). My thoughts:

    1. IMHO, I believe the Save button should *always* leave you in the editor. All it should do is Save. It shouldn’t assume I want to start a new post. It shouldn’t assume I want to see the post I just saved. The interface already has choices for both of those.

    2. The Save button should perform an AJAX autosave, without reloading the page. Why does it have to reload the page? Is it doing something that autosave doesn’t? If so, what?

    My 2 cents.

    I’ve got the same problem some have reported: when saving, I’m taken to the “preview” screen.

    how odd!

    i was a bit late in updating, but i’ve just checked out the editor behavior on our blog, and the “Save and Continue Editing” seems to be the default behavior – I don’t get kicked out automatically to the preview page. In fact, after hitting “Save”, the following message displays at the top of the page:

    Post updated. Continue editing below or go back.

    Hi Friends,

    I try the save button, and I think that nonhocapito and Otto42 are booth right.

    1) I log as an administrator, create a new post, and click the save button, then the yellow caption appear, and I rest on the editing page (like on the Otto42’s video).

    2) I log as an editor, create a new post, and click the save button, then the CMS navigete out from the editing page, to the preview (or something like this, so nonhocapito are right).

    I think it is not a feature, it is a bug, because the WordPress work another style, when your are an adminisrator, or your have other role. Unfortunetly I have many editors, and I don’t want to give him admin role ??

    ninno, does not work for me: I’m an admin in my own blog and sometimes I’m sent to the preview screen, sometimes I remain on the edit screen.

    Seems to happen at random, but surely there’s a pattern…

    I’m also having the problem where ‘save’ saves and sends me to the preview screen. It’s driving me nuts, because I keep doing it automatically and it catches me out every time.

    fwiw, it doesn’t matter whether the post is a new one or I’m editing one that’s already published; and I’m an admin.

    Huh. I just deactivated all plugins and reactivated them again and it seems to be back to the proper behaviour. Should have tried that earlier.

    I just updated an installation from 2.0.7 to 2.6.1. Lots of changes to get used to. I’m sure I will but I personally miss the old “save and return to wherever you were” button (which was called simply “save”. I used the “save and continue editing” as well so I’m glad it’s still here (and now called “save”).

    My blog is fairly private and I edit published content. I’d nice to be able to click the edit button on the blog page, make the change, save and be taken right back to where I was. It’s not the extra click (on “go back”) that I mind as much as it’s another trip to the server which slows things down.

    If there is an option to “save and return to the blog page you were on” and I’ve missed it, please advise.

    (in 2.6.2) I find myself editing a published post, having to hit “save” and then having to hit the “go back” link. All the time. Of course you could tell me to edit more carefully before publishing, but still, we used to have three options, and “save” used to work like the current two page process of “save” and “go back”

    How about a:

    Save Button (Works the same as it does now)
    Publish Button (Works the same as it does now)
    Save and Return (Combines the current “Save” and
    “go back” two step process into one)

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