Thanks for replying, Gangleri, but can you say some more? I get exactly the same view of the Design/Widgets screen in IE as I do in Firefox.
I have no problem adding a widget. If I click ‘Add’ the widget moves over to the right.
My problem is as described above in the first post on this page. Among the ‘text widgets’ and ‘rss widgets’ on the right, if I go to edit them (click on small ‘edit’ button on the right of each widget) they open and show the contents. At the bottom of the now opened widget, on the left-hand side, are two further buttons. ‘Change’ which simply closes the widget, and ‘Remove’, which removes the content of the widget.
Neither of these seem to help me.
So I edit the contents of the widget, remove or add characters and then save the changes.
When I look at my site after doing that, usually, but not always, the entire contents of the widget I have worked on have disappeared.
When I go back to Design/Widgets and reopen the widget in question, it is empty.