Hmm. I’m having the same problem in spades []. My config file wouldn’t recognize the hierarchical setting, or the exclude setting, or the sort_column setting.
The upgrade template-functions-category.php file that moshu linked fixed the sort_column setting, but not the exclude or hierarchical setting problems.
Here’s my code and if anyone can see what’s wrong I’d really appreciate commentary. I’ve tried list_cats and wp_list_cats; single quotes & double quotes; TRUE/FALSE and 1/0 (my understanding is that those two binary sets are equivalent, btw).
list_cats version: list_cats(TRUE, ”, “name”, ”, ”, 1, 0,
1, 1, 0, 1, ”, ”, ”, ”, ”, “57”, TRUE);
wp_list_cats version: wp_list_cats(‘optionall=1&sort_column=”name”&list=1&optioncount=1
It looks like bloggedy who had posted in the thread got it to work. Any idea how?
BTW — there are a few other similar threads:
– as previously mentioned
– starts out somewhere else but ends w/ the parent/child category problem
– says they have a solution, and i’ll be testing it soon.
– seems to have some possibly related problems