• Word Press Statistics (zip file)
    This is a port to WP 1.2 as a plugin and significant improvement based on the code from GamerZ.
    It features some pretty significant changes and improvements for template integration. Installation instructions are included. It does operate differently than the release by GamerZ, it probably is not compatible with WordPress 1.0.x. Although I’m sure it could be with a few tweaks to the code.
    The original forum for discussion is here.
    I do not currently have a demo online, my website has not been upgraded to WP 1.2 yet, I’ve been testing it locally. Hopefully in the next day or two, I’ll have a sample site online for people to check out.
    If were lucky there won’t be too many issues with it so people can hit the ground running with it when WP 1.2 is released this week.

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  • Thread Starter unoamigo


    I think in most cases, people probably are not too concerned about the number of characters ever blogged. ??
    But the beauty of this is that it is all open source. So feel free to add lib to your hearts content.
    As for post preview, hmmm. I think there might be a plugin out for that already. I’ll have to check, little short on time at the moment though.

    I wanted to say that I love this plugin, but I was wondering if there was a way to take it one step farther. I want to put the stats on a page that loads first when i login to my wp blog. I figured out how to hack the index.php to get it to redirect to index.php?wp_stats=1 but it keeps the look of the blog and not the admin area. Where is the link to the css file kept for this plugin or how can I get it to integrate into the look of the admin area?

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    Well, what your going to want to do is edit your login.php or post.php files.
    The plugin doesn’t have a CSS file, it uses the one you made. Thats what is nice about it. You shouldn’t have too much trouble editing it into work with the login page. I’m not entirely familiar with the load sequence when you log in, so I can’t point you to the exact spot.
    You could, have all the stats display below your new post page, or for that matter, on the login page.
    Glad your enjoying the plugin. Let me know how that works for you, or if you have any other questions.

    Hi, I have installed the Statistic.php for WP1.2, everything seems to work except for two things:
    1. when I delete a post or a comment from the blog, the Recent Post and Recent Comments stop updating, it does not show any new post or comment any more .
    2. when the Statistics plugin is activated, I could no longer password protect my post .
    Does any one have similar experience ? how do I solve this problem ?

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    Right now I don’t have a lot of time.
    I haven’t experienced the problems your talking about… I’ll do some testing.
    What other plugins are you using? It is potentially possible that something is conflicting with it.
    Can you elaborate on #2 a little bit more.

    I have now discovered that the #2 problem was due to an error in my .htaccess file, it is ok now.
    But the #1 problem seems to be the same problem other people is facing with a server time difference.
    New post shown up the second day, not immediately on the ” recent post listing” . Is it really due to server time difference ? I have try adjust my time difference in both direction , it does not help.

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    Yeah, I’ve been a bit distracted with a job hunt at the moment. That is a known bug that I intend to squelch with a couple other little updates – which basically consist of a few options I wrote in to use on my own site.
    Until then, please be patient.

    I have corrected the server time problem by add +(12 x 3600) seconds to the recent post and recent comments.
    I am not sure this is the correct way to do it, but it has worked for me in Singapore. I figure out there is a 12 hours error in the script by adjusting the time stamp.

    Hey there
    I followed the instructions and get this error – https://www.hl2blog.com/stats

    ‘Site cannot be found’ ?

    to correct for the time difference for +12 hours, here are what I did:
    At the Get Recent Post:
    post_excerpt FROM $tableposts WHERE post_date < ‘”.date(“Y-m-d H:i:s”, (time()+(12*3600) + ($time_difference * 3600))).”‘ AND post_status = ‘publish’ AND post_password = ” ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $limit”);
    At the Get Recent Comments:
    $recentcomments = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT $tableposts.ID as post_id, post_title, post_name, comment_author, comment_date FROM $tableposts INNER JOIN $tablecomments ON $tableposts.ID = $tablecomments.comment_post_ID WHERE comment_approved = ‘1’ AND post_date < ‘”.date(“Y-m-d H:i:s”, (time()+ (12*3600) + ($time_difference * 3600))).”‘ AND post_status = ‘publish’ AND post_password = ” ORDER BY comment_date DESC LIMIT $limit”);
    Good Luck.

    My stats page doesn’t seem to update, I’ve added 2 new posts and still not an update. Though the total number of words did. I tried downloading a Statistics.php that you linked on page 3 but that never solved this problem.

    Thread Starter unoamigo


    Rev6k, can you link your page. It helps a lot.

    unamigo – I have your code, and the rewrite rules working in 1.2 (have done for ages actually), but using that in 1.3pre-alpha3 (nightly of 6th and 7th) it doesn’t work.
    Could it be the rewrite rules ?
    https://www.tamba2.org.uk/mendel/ <–testblog

    I’m curious as to how everyone is embedding the stats into their pages so that it looks like their index page, but has stats rather than comments, etc.
    I know it has to be something simple, right?

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