• Wow why is my site loading so slow, sometimes the home page loads ok but if my click on the blog category and check out some post it takes about a minute to load or even when I refresh the page.

    here is my site:


    The black navigation menu on the top loads ok because it likes to static pages but the grey category menu to the blogs loads so slow. What could be the reason, I have deleted numerous plugins but still is the same. I am on a self hosted Godaddy dedicated server. I would like to get resolve as soon as possible, I have over 1000 active members on the site that relies on the training and updates.


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  • Have you tried:

    – deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

    – switching to the Twenty Eleven theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    There’s a memory viewer plugin that may help you out. It uses certain WordPress hooks to determine how much memory you are using at certain points while WordPress is loading. Here’s the link:


    Here’s a link on using the plugin you may find helpful:


    Thread Starter jpastor1982


    i have deactivated all plugins

    Thread Starter jpastor1982


    going to try memory viewer now

    Thread Starter jpastor1982


    Hook Current Memory Usage Max Memory Used at this point in the script Current Server Time Total Time since last hook # MySQL Queries Run up to this point # MySQL Queries since last hook Time used by MySQL up to this point Time used by MySQL since last hook
    plugins_loaded 17.75 MBs 17.77 MBs 1329266403.9455 – 0 0
    setup_theme 18.28 MBs 18.3 MBs 1329266403.9666 0.021115064620972 0 0
    init 20.02 MBs 20.04 MBs 1329266404.0462 0.079637050628662 5
    [show queries]
    wp_loaded 20.08 MBs 20.16 MBs 1329266404.0521 0.0058889389038086 7 2
    [show queries]
    0.0033776760101318 0.0012762546539307
    shutdown 26.84 MBs 26.92 MBs 1329266404.5641 0.51196312904358 48 41
    [show queries]
    0.046405792236328 0.043028116226196
    Summary of Overall Time & Percentage Data:

    Total Time to generate this page: 1.0177209377288818359375 100%
    Total Time used by PHP: 0.97074365615845 95.3841%
    Total Time used by MySQL: 0.046405792236328 4.5598%
    Total Time used by Memory Viewer Plugin: 0.00057148933410645 0.0562%

    Memory viewer results

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