• For our clients we needed to be able to use the filenames as the caption of pictures in our private galleries… Apparently NO ONE in the history of the internet has ever thought of this… But Cleaner Gallery made it happen with it’s “Use Title if No Caption is Present” option. It would have been nice if there was an explanation of how to install those other gallery scripts that it’s compatible with, but after an hour or two of messing around I figured it out. THANK YOU!

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  • Hi davidrosen,

    Would you mind briefly outlining steps you took to “install those other gallery scripts”?

    I agree the instructions don’t provide this, and would help me and everybody going forward to save time since the plugin does allow for their compatibility.

    I have located and downloaded the lightbox script

    Did you have to drop the entire “lightbox” folder into your plugin directory or did you simply drag the files into the appropriate “css”, “js”, “img” folder within theme directory and “Cleaner Gallery” automatically searches for them??

    Thank you so kindly for considering to respond. I aim to create a support thread and copy and paste your instructions for all to benefit.

    Plugin Author Justin Tadlock


    Cleaner Gallery merely supports those lightbox scripts and their default usage. How to install them will differ with each script, so you’d have to check the docs for whatever script you’re using. Typically, you’d add the script via the theme that you have active on your site.

    Edit: Thickbox does come pre-installed (part of WordPress), so you only have to select the Thickbox options to get it going. No coding necessary.

    Thank you Justin for responding + clarifying. I was able to get the ThickBox loaded as you described. It may be beneficial to include your “Edit” instructions from above in your FAQ section “How Do I Setup?” simply because most likely people are going to want that functionality. And it’ll make it a smoother experience for new users to get up and running more smoothly.

    Also, a suggestion for a future update: (And this might be out of scope for your plugin, so please disregard if it is.)

    Can you build into the Cleaner Gallery Settings to replace the text in the #TB_secondLine div: The “Image # of #”

    For example: We could remove “Image” with a blank space, and can replace “of” with a “/” so it would output: 1/5

    I think this has a cleaner look and would add just a flavor to the default WP ThickBox Gallery viewer.

    Thanks again Justin for all you do!! I’m going to go ahead and give this a 5-star. Definitely deserves it. Well designed + coded plugin.

    Plugin Author Justin Tadlock


    Thanks for the feedback.

    It may be beneficial to include your “Edit” instructions from above in your FAQ section “How Do I Setup?” simply because most likely people are going to want that functionality.

    About adding Thickbox? Sure, I could add that in.

    Also, a suggestion for a future update: (And this might be out of scope for your plugin, so please disregard if it is.)…

    Yep, that’s outside the scope of the plugin. That has more to do with WP and Thickbox.

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