Would you be willing to review my site?
Site name: catherinesmusic.com
Link: https://catherinesmusic.comHello there WordPress world-
I am relatively new to wordpress and ever since I discovered it, my days have been full of web design adventure. So please be gentle in your review if you can.
I like to call what I’ve attempted a “Custom Music Site” (under construction of course).
I would love some feedback on design and layout, functionality and general appeal.
Need for CForms Support: I am having a hard time getting CFormsII to work right. Give it a try. I’m not getting any data sent back to me. Wondering about email formatting issues in the admin email config section. It says “[email protected]” and my email has a 3-digit domain extension. Is that a problem? Also that other .js file with the URI links may be formatted incorrectly. I disabled AJAX to see if that would make it work, but no luck. Any ideas?
Anyway – at least enjoy my music. Feel free to download it and share the sample files on the front page with anyone who might enjoy it or benefit from it.
And thanks for being part of the new web.
-Catherine Scholz
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