• Resolved Nazaire


    I’m really liking the Customizr theme and I’m using it for our company’s intranet. I’d like to know how I may change the URL associated with the site logo. Right now it takes us back to the intranet’s main page and I’d prefer it take us to the company’s internet website.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    Note: I can’t post a url to my site as it is only accessible internally on our network.

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  • Assuming you’re using a child theme and that your intranet main page url is “myintraneturl.com” and your main company’s url is “mycompanyurl.com” you need to add this function in functions.php of your child theme

    add_filter('tc_logo_title_display', 'change_site_main_link');
    function change_site_main_link($output) {
    	return preg_replace('|myintraneturl.com|', 'mycompanyurl.com', $output);

    Change the links above to your desired ones. I advise you use full urls, including the https:// in front.

    Thread Starter Nazaire


    Thanks for the quick response.

    I placed your code in my child theme’s functions.php file. It does change the URL to my company’s internet site but the logo no longer displays. All I get is an empty box where the logo used to be.

    Most likely it also makes the replacement in your image link, too. Disable the function (add // in front of add_filter), refresh the first page, go to view source and copy/paste the contents of your div.brand for me in here, so I can make a preg_replace that skips your image link. The div I want should look something like:

    <div class="brand span3">
    	          	           <h1><a class="site-logo" href="https://websiter.ro/" title="websiter.ro | we site. better."><img src="https://websiter.ro/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/ws_texture_logo2.png" alt="?napoi la prima pagin?" width="250" height="125"></a>

    On second thought, there’s no need for that, just add href=” in front of both intranet and company urls. Something like:

    add_filter('tc_logo_title_display', 'change_site_main_link');
    function change_site_main_link($output) {
    	return preg_replace('|href="https://myintraneturl.com|', 'href="https://mycompanyurl.com', $output);

    Now it should be fine.

    Thread Starter Nazaire


    Works like a charm, thanks acub!

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    @acub this looks like a future snippet?
    Have a nice week end. Time to have a “noble” beer…

    I am using multi sites through wordpress network. there is a home url for subsite i.e https://www.thecodeasy.com/php i want to change it to https://www.thecodeasy.com

    i have tried above code as in function.php of customizr theme

    add_filter(‘tc_logo_title_display’, ‘change_site_main_link’);
    function change_site_main_link($output) {
    return preg_replace(‘|’.esc_url( home_url() ).’|’, ‘https://www.thecodeasy.com&#8217;, $output);

    but it is not woking plz help me
    thanks in advance

    want to change it for the logo url only

    add_filter(‘tc_credits_display’, ‘my_custom_credits’);
    function my_custom_credits(){
    echo ‘<div class=”span4 credits”>
    <p> TheCodeasy.com &copy Copyright ‘.esc_attr( date( ‘Y’ ) ). ” All Rights Reserved.”;

    abovove code is working fine for the footer credits

    @kanishk.singh45 This is a very old post. There’s a better snippet for this now on the themesandco.com site: https://www.themesandco.com/snippet/customize-logo-link/

    @electricfeet Thanks for your support

    The following code worked fine for me
    `add_filter(‘tc_logo_link_url’, ‘change_site_main_link’);
    function change_site_main_link($output) {
    return ‘https://www.thecodeasy.com&#8217;;

    add_filter('tc_logo_link_url', 'change_site_main_link');
    function change_site_main_link($output) {
        return 'https://www.thecodeasy.com';
    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    In future please create your own thread.

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