• It would be awesome if Easy Custom Sidebars could show existing sidebars in the list. I have some sidebars that my theme has registered, and I would like to use Easy Custom Sidebars to set the rules where one sidebar replaces the other. But the existing sidebars aren’t showing up in Easy Custom Sidebars. Would that be a possible enhancement at all?

    (I see from support threads from a year ago that this plugin used to only work with existing sidebars, and didn’t have the ability to create sidebars. So wondering if it would work to have both lots of functionality – the ability to create sidebars like now, but also the ability to set rules on existing sidebars).


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  • Plugin Author Sunny Johal


    Hi jodamo5,
    I designed this plugin to only replace existing sidebars intentionally. This allows the plugin to remain really simple and effective and doesn’t require the user to have to write css to style any sidebars (it just takes the existing sidebar properties). Hope that answers your question. Cheers


    P.S. Thanks for helping other people with this plugin in this support forum, much appreciated!

    Thread Starter jodamo5


    Hi Sunny. Thanks for your reply, but unfortunately I didn’t explain my question very well.

    I have some existing sidebars – e.g. Default sidebar, Category Sidebar – which have been created by the theme.

    When I use Easy Custom Sidebars I can create a new sidebar and tell them to replace one of these existing sidebars.

    However what I would also like to do is be able to select an existing sidebar in the “Select a sidebar to edit” dropdown, and then set rules for that sidebar.

    For example, I would like to select the “Category Sidebar” which already exists in the theme, and use Easy Custom Sidebars to set a rule to replace the “Default sidebar” on all posts.

    But at the moment I can’t do that, because Easy Custom Sidebars doesn’t display the existing sidebars in the edit list.

    Would something like that be possible? Thanks.

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