• Ok so here is a very short review of this plug-in.

    Let’s start with the helpful part. It ‘DOSE’ back up your WP site. It gets everything including the database, content, and entire folder (even files you don’t want included in the backup).


    It is totally worthless. You can indeed back up the site but there no way of restoring the site in anyway other than making the same directory structure and database import manually after uncompressing the back up file. Thankfully I have enough knowledge to get my site back up and running (although having to do way more work than what I would ever want to do) I am now able to use a different plugin that will allow me to backup and restore properly.

    What floors me beyond not able to use the plugin to restore a site, but also there is a “Pro” version for (currently) $75.00 USD that still does not have the functionality that would be expected with such a plugin.

    In short here is what it actually does:

    • Makes a single file backup of entire site
    • Auto backup cron jobs that do work with a variety of places to store it
    • Compressed backup file at medium compression with a few formats available

    However here is where is falls short:

    • No way to restore site from backup file
    • No proper documentation that is clear and to the point
    • Support for plugin is mostly premium only
    • Support staff is unresponsive during normal business hours
    • Found out way later after the fact there is no restore function
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