• Forgive my venting…

    I’m getting the infamous “Error establishing a database connection” with my Yahoo-based WP blog. I made no changes. Zip. Zero.

    I called Yahoo TS, wandered through some phone menu choices, and was told to call somewhere else. (I could barely hear her because Yahoo uses voice over IP. (hellloooo, India :-))

    OK, my bad. I called the wrong tech support. I tried again. I navigated through the menus and got a human who told me Yahoo does not support this third-party software.

    This is the second time Yahoo TS has misbehaved for me. This first time happened when I asked them how to change domains and, following their advice, lost two months worth of work.

    I must have been very bad in a former life. ??

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  • I used to host my servers on my own network/T3’s, etc., I gave all that up in around 2000, and have been using CI Host dedicated servers ever since. The support is fantastic, and with the dedicated servers at least, you can do anything you want. They also have “shared” unix hosting packages which would be great for WP sites not needing a dedicated server ot those not needing more than one site, etc. https://www.cihost.com

    ps. if you do decide to switch, use hradil.us as your “promo”/refferal code and they’ll give you some kind of discounts, etc.

    Yahoo sucks!

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