Hi @cosmindan22,
I’m sorry to hear your experience with the plugin hasn’t met your expectations.
Regarding the sending speed and the records, we would be happy to assist you with that. Have you contacted our support team about it?
I’ve checked your logs and I see only two emails sent with the MailPoet Sending Service. If you have sent 200 emails with the plugin, it’s possible they were sent using a 3rd-party sending method, and then the sending speed is up to them and the settings in the MailPoet > Settings > Send With… > Other tab.
I could not find any DKIM or DMARC records set for the domain beseen.academy, but we can check it further. I see your hosting provider is Cloudflare, so please make sure to go through this troubleshooting steps for Cloudflare configuration: https://kb.mailpoet.com/article/295-spf-dkim-dmarc#troubleshooting-invalid-dkim-records
And about the editor limitations, we’re currently working on improving the editor, so soon we will have updates about it. However, you’re welcome to add any suggestions or features you’re like to see in the editor here: https://feedback.mailpoet.com
Thank you!