• Hey.

    I have never been here since I am on blogger.
    I blog here:
    There is a WP blog that is ripping my entries (probably to draw attention to his creepy links in his side-bar).
    Is there a way to deal with this? Can I contact WP to check this blog out:
    and hopefully take it down?

    If it had been a blogger-blog I’d know ways to deal with crooks and trolls like that. But what about WP?
    Please advice me.

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  • You certainly should ??
    I helped a client to move over 7,000 posts from blogger to WP! Now he’s a happy wordpresser, LOL

    Well, we’d love to have you join us!

    I blog for an income so I always include lots of links to affiliates in my feeds. You should do the same. That way when people copy your feeds (or cut and paste)at least you get them promoting your affiliates, and maybe even a sale.

    You might think about making the jump from Blogger to WP. I’m doing just that because of spuratic problems, errors and lack of support at Blogger.com. Blogger was a nice place to start, since I didn’t know about WP, but it is limiting and the lack of responsiveness from them is annoying when I have had problems. At one point I was locked out of my blog, unable to post, for four days. ?? That made me start looking for a better solution and I decided on WP.

    Google has a function to report sites that are pure junk like that… Simply provide Google this guy’s address, and his domain will disappear (banned) from their database.

    It has to be a blatently junk site like that one before I would suggest reporting it to Google …but his site is beyond that point.

    The other thing to consider is that unless you close him down, it is possible that you will lose PR points from Google due to the fact that the two sites have absolutely identical content.

    Hope this helps,


    Hey Thunder,
    I’m interested in finding out how one goes about “blogging for an income”…

    Moderator James Huff


    I’m interested in finding out how one goes about “blogging for an income”.

    It’s actually not very difficult. Just start a blog with good content that draws in repeat visitors. If you get enough visitors, place some ads (not too many), and wait for your paycheck.

    The best example that I can think of would be Jon Gales. In 2003, he launched MobileTracker, the first blog to be entirely dedicated to mobile phones. Jon is only 19 now, but he makes an average of $55,000/yr off of MobileTracker, which is roughly $70/hr while working an average of only three hours per day.

    Thread Starter mrdantefontana



    Just wanted to tell you that I (with a little help from the actual servise provider) got the site down a couple of weeks ago.

    Now, I’ll just sit back and wait for the next splog to come around. But this time I’m armed.

    Thanks again for all your help.



    Thumbs up to you! Best of luck in the future….



    This group of posters should get together and start a blog on splogs and ways to deal with your material being web-jacked. You should have used this offender for an example of a spam blog, (probably more at scraping) That way you could make money off of them instead of them upsetting you for nothing.

    Google isn’t going to do anything to you for this duplication. If that was true, you could easily eliminate competition by duplicating their material on another domain. It would have to be the same (exact same) pages and not just the text before it would be noticed as duplicate. You would also have to report it to them before they noticed.

    Otherwise, I have never heard of it happening. I have heard of a lot of people who think that it happens, but I have never once read of a real example.

    If you could get into trouble from someone copying your content, then you could start a business using this method to eliminate other peoples competition.

    Google’s rule is that if you could do it to somebody to hurt their ranking then they wont count it. Apparently, they have other ways of dealing with these problems. So they say. I’m waiting to see it, then I will believe it.

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