I keep the 5 start rating for that “wow” occasions. Occasion where my expectation are fully exceeded. Your plugin does exactly what it said in the description – not more not less (5 star rating for the description, i guess :-)). The plugin works flawless and i am very happy with it. The 4th start was do to the Offload S3 Lite compatibility.
I have considered upgrading to the paid service until I realized your commercial model doesn’t really work for a very low traffic like my website. A model like one of your biggest plugin competitor – that shall not be named, i’m sure you know to which I’m referring – would work better for my use case. That would definitely would get me to be a paid customer.
My avg image size is somewhat between 60kB and 100kB for a 1200x1000px picture and the optimization is still pretty good after my own optimization efforts that are not lossless like yours. The api is a tiny tiny bit slow taking in consideration the image sizes i’m uploading, but totally fine for a free service and highly recommended!
Overall, an excellent free plugin (the paid versions claim further optimization – that is pretty amazing) but i’m a bit pedantic with my ratings. Sorry for that.