I just did it and It seems to works.
Except I have a problem with the pointing of my domain name.
I think the trouble is linked to the multisite because I tested the migration to qTranslate-X before with 2 websites which were clones of my main website, except they were note multisites, and I have no problem of url withe these 2 ones.
Description of my problem:
you can access to the site with these addresses: nicolas-devillard.fr , nicolas-devillard.fr/ndi , nicolas-devillard.fr/ndi/fr/ (or /en)
It also works with https://www.nicolas-devillard.fr/ndi and https://www.nicolas-devillard.fr/ndi
But it doesn’t work with: https://www.nicolas-devillard.fr and https://www.nicolas-devillard.fr.
With these 2 basic url, you get an error message (error while connecting to the database).
Any idea to fix this?