• I’ve been using Widget Logic for awhile now with no problems. But I’m having an issue today getting it to display a widget on a specific page. When I use Widget Logic to place widgets on “is_page(‘contact’)” or “is_page(‘about’)” – no problems! But when I tried to put the same widget on “is_page(‘pool-covers’)” it doesn’t work – I see nothing at all. The full path is “mydomain.com/swimming-pool-services/pool-covers/”. How do I need to write WidgetLogic to display a widget on that page? I’ve tried many variations and none work.

    I’ve tried checking the “wp_reset_query” checkbox: it had no effect.

    I don’t think the codex info on ‘testing for sub pages’ is going to work, since there are several subpages under ‘swimming-pool-services’, and I only want this widget to appear on one of those subpages.


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  • Thread Starter Runtheball


    After digging further through the forums, I’ve come up with the following …

    global $post; return (is_page('pool-covers') && ($post->post_parent=="7"));

    …but it still doesn’t work.

    I’m trying to display a widget on one particular page that’s a child of a page with id of 7.

    Thread Starter Runtheball


    I’m sure this is a simple fix.

    Could someone please evaluate my most recent post and tell me where my code is in error?

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