• Ken Carlson and I are working on a 4.0 version that adds some new features:

    Many new admin screen features:
    1. The admin settings are now grouped into a tabbed interface.
    2. A new way if navigating multiple forms via a drop down select instead of hyperlinks.
    3. You can re-order the display sequence of all the fields via a drag and drop interface.
    4. This makes it easy to add a new field anywhere in the form.
    5. The standard fields (name,email,subject,message) can now be manipulated and re-ordered along with the extra fields.
    6. This makes it easy to add a new field anywhere in the form.
    7. You can optionally set a field to be side-by-side with another field.
    8. A new codebase with better use of class structure
    9. … and much more.

    When it is ready, you will find out here.

    Mike Challis


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  • Great plugin, thanks!

    I agree with the requests for a keyword spam catcher.

    Also, not sure if this is in your list, but it would be great if you could make the subject [prefix text] [post/page title]


    I’m using your plugin to allow members of my organization to easily email all the other members of the same organization. So I have a bunch of [bcc] tags in the “email-to” box.

    Setting this up wasn’t easy—your documentation is clear but counterintuitive, and I had to go through about 16 test iterations before getting it all correct.

    So much for feedback. I’m frankly grateful to you for creating this plugin. It is EXTREMELY flexible. I’ve put a small contribution in via PayPal.

    One thing I’d like to see in a future iteration would be better integration with Mandrill. Mandril is an API for MailChimp, and they’ve recently published a wordpress plugin called wpMandrill. I got it set up and working before installing your plugin, but when I tried to add on your plugin as the front end (with Mandril taking over running of the wp_mail function), something would go wrong with the [bcc] and [cc] lines, with email only going out to the first (or the last?) of the addresses in the [bcc] list. In the end, I turned off Mandrill, because your functionality was the one I really needed.

    Thanks again!

    I really like this plugin, but over the last month or so we have been getting an extraordinarily high number of spam comments. Some days we get well in excess of 100 spam comments. If that can be fixed it would be great. Otherwise I have to try and find a different solution.


    @ipwatchdog I had a similar problem on one site and after some research I installed Spam free WordPress on that site. Problem solved ??

    Hope this helps!

    Probably wrong of me to ask this, but here goes ?? How is V4 progressing ??

    I have two suggestions.

    1) Allow form fields to be placed side by side. (dunno if this has already been suggested or is already being worked on)

    2) Implement a non-CAPTCHA antispam architecture that uses AJAX, like the behavior of WP Captcha Free.

    Good luck on the development!

    Thread Starter Michael J Challis


    Version 4 beta is almost ready, it will be available this summer

    Please add more CAPTCHA features other than just the scrambled text. Like a math equation (2 + 2 = 4) or a multiple choice based on pictures (this is a picture of an -egg -tree -key -chair)

    Thanks, love the plugin!

    Hi Mike, this is my favourite form plugin! I just have one small request for 4.0 if it’s not too late ??
    When someone fills out the form’s ‘date’ field (check in and check out dates), but they make an error on the captcha code (or they miss a required field)… they are sent back to the form, but the date fields are no longer filled in. People do not notice this and send the form without the dates. Is there a way to make the form keep the date fields like it does for the rest of the filled in fields?
    Thanks! Looking forward to the upgrade!

    I stumbled across the php version after finding the wp version and I am glad I did.
    I was considering utilizing WP as a form server. Now I don’t have to. What I’ve found in other mail form solutions leaves me with a wish-list that would make this standalone a standout.

    The only thing I’d consider a must is #1. The rest is just wish-list. When you reach 9, you’re well in the fluffier part of the wish-list and submitted to help you with ideas.


    1. Specifically for the standalone version: Instead of completely turning off domain checks when the install is hosted at a different site, would be an option to check for a specific domain or domains per individual form. This would be simple for the user to understand and allow a high level of security for one install that is used for multiple domains. PHP mail scripts I’ve used 10 years ago had this feature and it would be welcome to see implemented here.

    2. Change number of CAPTCHA characters per form

    3. Where CAPTCHA images don’t work or CAPTCHA is not an option it would be nice to, per form, design questions and answers as check for bots. It’s not quite as effective but questions can be branded towards the text already on the site. Its more appealing to a greater number of users than CAPTCHA images. Additionally the question sets can be randomized.

    4. All extra fields must go above or below the message box. It would look better to have the option per field to go above and below.

    5. I couldn’t find an easy way to reorder the extra fields.

    6. Option to Email backup to admin address.

    7. Make phone a standard field instead of an add-on. The regex I found that works well and requires at least 10 numbers is /^(\D*\d){10,}$/

    8. I couldn’t find an easy way to reorder forms.

    9. Sometimes you just want to be notified by text message that you have an email to go read. Implement a SMS styled notification system. Provide a list of the email to SMS gateway domains.

    10. Implement the same as 9 for twitter

    11. Time limit multiple completed submissions, another way to spam limit the system. Start a countdown until a second email can be send from the same ip.

    12. blacklisting/whitelisting by root domain and by ip and ip block.

    13. SMS/Email/Twitter when attack is detected and lockout that ip.

    14. Maintain a monthly count successful emails per form and email to site admin. Good for knowing if you’re an unwilling spammer. Great if you charge clients on usage.

    Thread Starter Michael J Challis


    morandan, the date bug was recently fixed in the current version.

    BCKing, thanks for the suggestions. 4, 5, and 8 are already in 4.0

    1, would not be very hard to do, I will consider it in a future update.

    3, design questions and answers as check for bots. that would be nice, maybe add that someday

    The 4.0 right now is only for WordPress, the PHP version is a whole different program, so I am not sure if or when it might get updated to the same feature level.

    Thread Starter Michael J Challis


    Version 4.0 is about to come out in beta, maybe later this week if internal testing gets completed

    Thanks for the great plugin, Mike. The ability to direct to different emails is essential for us.

    I’m using this plugin for a no-profit educational group. The site will be maintained by some fairly non-technical folks who are new to WordPress, so I’m on the lookout for things that will confuse them:

    1. Please add an SI-Contact Form link to the main dashboard sidebar menu. These folks won’t be able to find where to set up & edit their contact forms. They won’t think to look under Plugins, instead they’ll click the Contact Form DB link and get even more confused.

    2. That list of Contact forms – Form 1, Form 2, etc… will be confusing since they’ll have a lot of forms. Is it possible to display the Form Label there instead, if it is filled out?


    Oops – My bad. I meant FS-Contact Form. I looked at that other one too, but I chose yours!

    Hi Mike, very cool plugin. I’ve only just started looking for a web form plugin but as far as I can see yours in the only one that supports passing query string parameters into the forms, which is a must for me. Will the new version also support this?

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