• Per Mattsson


    I just want to say that I have Arlima running under 5.5.1

    There are of course a few adjustments in the code that I’ve done. Some functions had to be commented out to get it running.

    This plugin is so good. It makes news agents and newspapers tick.
    We might would not choose run WP without it.

    IF there any real programmers out there that can help make my hacked version realiable we could release it as a fork on github.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Per Mattsson.
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  • Good to hear, we are struggling to get it up and running again. I found that Arlima sort of works in 5.4 but not in 5.5 (nor in 5.5.1). What did you do to get it working in 5.5.1? We (JMG, journalist education in G?teborg) have been using it for years, it’s super!

    Hej Per,
    kul att Arlima lever n?gon annanstans ?n i v?r webb-tidning (goteborgnu.se). Eftersom vi bara k?r kursen p? v?rarna, s? fick jag alldeles nyss reda p? att Arlima slutat fungera. Alla tips p? vad som f?r det att fungera i en s? ny version som m?jligt mottages tacksamt.

    Thread Starter Per Mattsson


    (I did’t receive an email when you answered oddly enough)
    It’s a bit buggy now when you upload the pictures but the lists runs.

    I have written down a change list somewhere but of course I make this public. Maybe it’s time create that fork.

    I have sadly built on 3.1.64 while 3.1.66 is the last official I have. I have talked to some of the guys who built it but of course no one has time to go on this again. I understand that.

    Det buggar lite nu n?r man l?gger in bilderna men listorna g?r.

    Givetvis kan jag maila en kopia. Maila mig p? [email protected]
    Vi k?r ju kurser med publicering b?de h?st och v?r.

    Tyv?rr har jag i stressen byggt p? 3.1.64 medan 3.1.66 ?r den sista officiella jag hittat. Jga har snackat med n?gra av de som byggt men ingen har givetvis tid att ge sig p? den h?r igen. Jag f?rst?r det.

    De ?r inte bara WordPress som trasslar utan ocks? PHP. Vi bytte server och p? den nya ?r det 7.4 som g?ller s? h?r f?r man vara lite vaksam och ers?tta det gamla.

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