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  • Plugin Author Michael Ott


    Hi Sarahmghart,

    It’s definitely a conflict. If you view the source code of your homepage you’ll see no less than 7 instances of the og:image tag.

    You’ve probably got several plugins trying to do the same job, and Facebook won’t be able to do it’s job properly when there are so many og:image tag.

    Resolve the conflict (disable some plugins, even mine) and you should be fine.

    Plugin Author Michael Ott


    I’m marking this as resolved seeing as there’s been no response.

    Sorry to open this thread again, but I’m having the same problem posting to facebook. It seems that it works on some posts but no on others, and I cannot see any difference between them.

    I checked the source code and there’s only one og:image tag, like this:

    <meta property="og:image" content="" />

    And the url is valid.

    Any suggestions?

    Plugin Author Michael Ott


    Hi Albert,

    Have you tried passing the URL of the web page in question through the Facebook debgugger?

    Try it here and if it still doesn’t work hit the “fetch new scrape information” button.

    Hey, thank you so much for such a quick response! I didn’t know about the Facebook Debugger, cool!

    Indeed, it show an error and a warning:

    Errors That Must Be Fixed
    Missing Required Property ->The 'og:type' property is required, but not present.
    Warnings That Should Be Fixed
    Inferred Property -> The 'og:url' property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.

    The curious thing is that another post from two days ago posted with no problem (and it passes the debbuger test)

    Plugin Author Michael Ott


    What’s the URL?

    The URL is this:

    Could a plugin that clones an entry post cause this if the previous post was published time ago when there was no object type feature? I do this from time to time, I was wondering if it might miss the metadata that is lacking? BTW, I can see most of the og: tags on the HTML :/

    Plugin Author Michael Ott


    It looks like the Facebook scraper is being stupid. I tried hitting the “fetch new scrape information” button a few times and on each occasion it gave a non-nonsensical error with completely wrong information.

    But eventually it did actually work properly. Looks like it’s OK now.

    Yep, that’s true! I see it would post ok right now. Hopefully will work also on the next ones.

    Thank you very very much for your time! ??

    Plugin Author Michael Ott


    Yeah it it happens again, run it through the Facebook debugger but persevere with it.

    As an FYI, the first time any of your posts is shared, FB will cache in that state for every consequent share (regardless of who shared it or form what platform). So if in doubt run it through the debugger and FB will be forced to re-index it, and all consequent shares will be the same.

    Good luck!

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