I posted a menu-link to the google+ rel=author url and it worked!

    EXAMPLE: https://www.sonnenlandimmobilien.de/ right top corner

    HOW TO:
    First: Button instead of displayed Name:
    <img src=”https://www.sonnenlandimmobilien.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/g1.png&#8221; alt=”google plus button with link to profile”/>

    Second: Menu-Link to the rel=author

    Third: Maybe important, but not sure:
    HTML-Attribute title: “Autor: Peter Eppich bei google+”

    BTW: I deleted the google-profile-link from the authors description, because this will cause an additional metatag autor before the menu.


    it looks to me, that the first occurance of an author-tag is important. Placing this in the footer worked in older versions fine, in the newer wordpress-versions it worked only at the front page, but not in the other pages.

    It looks for me, the microformats for the articles are destroying the google authorship. Despite the webmaster tools still say, that all is fine.

    So i placed it in the menu. The menu is then the first occurence of any author-tag. Result: The picture of you will be displayed again in the search enging results…

    I hope this helps a bit….

    Please feel free to take a few seconds to post any comment, if it worked for you or if it didn’t worked.

    With best regards, Peter

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  • Hi Peter,
    we started this issue couple of days before.
    I cannot believe you did it! No more GWMT errors?
    On brand new site I have 93 pages with boring “Missing: author, Missing: entry-title, Missing: updated”, repeating 10 times per page!
    I got used to this GWMT stuff (last year these where “warnings”, now they declared it errors), I know it is not good for SEO, but honestly, never really tried to implement microformats.
    OK, I’ll try this ASAP (too busy at the moment) and let you now the results.
    Thank you very much for your post,

    Thread Starter eppich


    Hi Mike!

    No, the GWMT Errors are not solved with this workaround. Just the Author-Image in the search results will appear again.

    I added in the single.php and in all other .php the missing data manually. Althoug 0 Errors – this this did not bring back the Author-Image. On the other side – the author Image worked on the front page even with many microformat Errors.

    I think the problem is ONLY the other author-tags that disturbes the mind of google. You may also try to delete all author relatet mircoformats to get back the author-image.

    Errors still happen and in my opinion it is for SEO only a very small issue. Much more important: the content.

    I have No.1 rated pages, that stayed on No. 1 all the different Versions of WordPress and have many many Microformaterrors. They even survived many Template-Changes.

    But forgetting the Title and description burned the rank down… *Kaboom*

    Hope this will help a little bit.

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