Sorry for the late reply – as the plugin author I did not receive an email or notification that a question was asked, or it went to my junk folder. Previously the plugin worked for every post type. I later restricted it to Post and Page types because custom post types are used for a lot of things, many of which geocoding makes no sense. The original code still exists but is commented out – if you feel comfortable modifying code you can re-enable by:
1. Edit map-posts-common.php (in folder plugins/map-posts-free/includes/
2. Look for function named
3. Comment out the 2 lines of code under the comment
//Alternate code to add map configuration to only non-custom post types and pages
4. Re-enable the code commented out below i.e.
$post_types = get_post_types( array(), ‘objects’ );
foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) {
add_meta_box( ‘define_map_meta_box’,
‘Define Map’,
$post_type->name, ‘normal’ );