• a bit confused on a first step/first time but after I understand how it work then can config and setting it properly. now everything work fine.

    This solution is suitable for admin that want to have Buddypress network work separately on your single install wordpress (Mu enabled) and this plugin require another Network plugin so it’s work if you don’t have network plugin – this plugin won’t work

    Somebody that already have website running and want this thing happen you may need to backup/copy and upload blog to new site created in new network OR you can add old site to new network but beware of URL structure

    First you must understand how Network work first

    Normal WordPress MU
    – WordPress MU example.com
    — Subsite site1.example.com
    — Subsite site2.example.com

    WordPress MU + Network Plugin
    – WordPress MU
    — Subsite site1.example.com
    — Subsite site2.example.com

    — Subsite act as Network
    — Subsite site1.example.com/subsubsite1
    — Subsite site1.example.com/subsubsite2

    So if you move your old blog from yourblog.example.com to new network, URL will change to newnetwork.example.com/yourblog

    You can try another solution is backup old blog and create new network with the same URL name example yourblog/new networkname.example.com then upload blog to new network

    Above is all for whoever that already have blog running now but if you plan to create new blog with wordpress MU network so no problem, it’s easy but one thing you should know that you must create new network for every new buddypress network

    You cannot enable separate Buddypress in sites on same network

    You will lose ability for single sign-on same as you can on WordPress MU without Network plugin because WordPress MU + Network act like separately WordPress MU on the front end so you and your users must login every network but still left a good thing is that user base still share on global network so you can use same user+passsword to login

    actually you can use cookie to check that visitor already member on network and login them automatically via function wp_signon

    first drop cookie after user login on any network under your main network
    second if user go to another network, check that cookie if cookie verify that this is already member and already sign-in on another network, now auto login for this user to current network.. this can work on backend your user will smoothly login via single sign-on by they don’t need to do anything

    This scenario of plugin power may not suitable for normal people that cannot handle complexity but I know that if you already have or plan to have WordPress MU Network site to let your user create new network for their own under your main WordPress MU, I think you can handle it.

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