• andfinally


    I’ve spent the whole day trying to work out how to embed an uploaded video using WordTube. There are two ways of doing it that I can see:

    1. Add the tag [media id=xx] into the post.
    2. Use the “insert/edit embedded media” button.

    With the first method, I’m having a problem finding the ID of the media item I uploaded. WordPress 2.8.4 no longer displays the file ID in the Media Library list. I’ve tried copying the attachment_id from the link to the FLV in my Media Library, but when I try to use it in the [media] tag I get [MEDIA not found] in the front end.

    With the second method, I can’t figure out which field to put the URL to the FLV into the “insert/edit embedded media” popup. When I put it in the “File/URL” field on the General tab, the post preview shows [MEDIA not found]. I’ve also tried putting the URL to the JW Media Player (https://…/wp-content/plugins/wordtube/player.swf) in the File/URL field and file=https://path.to.FLV in the Flashvars field on the Advanced tab, but same result, [MEDIA not found].

    Can any kind person please tell me where I’m going wrong?


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  • dconnors


    media tag # should be in the WordTube area of the Media area of your admin page – look on the far right of a WordTube admin page that has video… you will see something like this:

    “If you want to show this media file in your page, enter the tag :
    [media id=2]”

    Thread Starter andfinally


    Ah now I get it! You need to upload your FLV under Tools > WordTube, not under Media > Add new. Then [media id=1] tag works perfectly.

    Thanks very much dconnors!

    Doh! This is not obvious in the instructions on the Wordtube site. Great plugin though now it see how it works.

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