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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    Thread Starter joannarejdych


    here’s another thread which may help you with this –

    I have visited it, but I am not good in coding and I don’t understand how I can use it with #_EVENTSNOTES. Could you help me and explain ? ?? I don’t want to damage anything.

    Thanks in advance

    my way of thinking:

    					$replace = $this->post_content;
    					if($result == "#_MYEXCERPT"){
    						$length = 25;
    						$replace = implode(' ',array_slice(explode(' ', $replace),0,$length));
    						$replace = $replace.' ...';

    use as in style.css ?? :

    					$replace = $this->post_content;
    					if($result == "#_EVENTSNOTES"){
    						$length = 300;
    						$replace = implode(' ',array_slice(explode(' ', $replace),0,$length));
    						$replace = $replace.' ...';

    [Moderator Note: Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    You should be able to use the last example on that thread, replacing 120 with the number of words you want as a limit.

    Thread Starter joannarejdych


    @caimin_nwl you mean this code without changing #_CUSTOMEXCERPT and #_EVENTEXCERPT ?? could you just indicate which file should i modify?

    //create the filter. the website will search for our placeholder using this function
    function my_em_styles_placeholders($replace, $EM_Event, $result){
      global $wp_query, $wp_rewrite;
      switch( $result ){
        case '#_CUSTOMEXCERPT': // name of the placeholder
          $replace = $EM_Event->output("#_EVENTEXCERPT"); //lets retrieve the original event data so we can modify it
          $replace = preg_replace('/<[^>]+./','', $replace); // make the modification of taking out any images
          if($result == "#_CUSTOMEXCERPT"){  //heres what we are goign to do if the placeholder has been found
            if ( strlen($replace) > 120 ) {
              $length = 120; //length of word for (the excerpt)
              $replace = substr($replace,0,$length); //apply the length amount to the output
            $replace = $replace . '... ';
        break; // end the case
      return $replace ; //output the placeholder
    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    here’s another snippet which can help you with this –

    As for where to paste this :

    Thread Starter joannarejdych



    I am sorry but it seems too difficult for me.

    I have pasted:

    function my_em_mod_excerpt_placeholders($replace, $EM_Event, $result){
    	if ( $result == '#_EVENTEXCERPT' ) {
    		$replace = preg_replace('/<img[^>]+./','', $replace);
    		if ( str_word_count($replace) > 300 ) {
    			$length = 300;
    			$replace = implode(' ',array_slice(explode(' ', $replace),0,$length));
    			$replace = $replace . '... ';
    	return $replace;

    to my functions.php with <?php .. ?> and second time without but my page was broken after that.

    Is there any possibility that you could explain me it step by step ? Please ??


    It looks like you have an extra, unnecessary bracket “}” at the end… you should remove that.

    If it still doesn’t work, using to paste the entire contents of your functions.php so we can check it.


    Thread Starter joannarejdych


    Hi, it still doesn’t work ??

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    hmm, you might need to ask for a developer assistance for this to work since we can’t help you for the coding am afraid.

    Thread Starter joannarejdych


    ok, thank you for your time ??

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