• Looking for a solution here…

    We have insertdomain.com with “our” wordpress at it’s root.

    and have added insertdomain.com/userblog/ for our ‘users’ to post too.

    We would somehow like an automated and easy ability to push select supercool userblog posts from time to time to our main blog. Completely integrated with it as if the post was originally done in our own root blog in the first-place (while a copy can still reside at the userblog).

    Is this possible in any way? If so then how… if not then what is the closest thing you suggest to achieve such a feature?

    Buddypress didn’t really line up to what we wanted overall and RSS feeds etc doesn’t really add the post to our own public blog database or whatever so it seems a little confusing. I’m also unsure if the images and text formating can come through easily to match our main blogs post if we went the RSS route.

    Thanks for any input on this matter ??

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