• Hi everyone:

    I’m a reporter, and am interested in starting a blog. Maybe it will grow to a website soon, but for now, just looking for a cool blog. I Love the WordPress themes by Chris Pearson, but the ones I like are only available on www.remarpro.com.

    Now, I don’t know anything about codeing, what a CSS or CCS is, so you can imagine. But what I do know, is I love the asthetic beauty of the themes.

    When I read the pros and cons, there seemed to be a lot of cons listed under going with www.remarpro.com, such as disadvantages with easy association with those on the free site WordPress.com.

    What’s the real deal, and which would you recommend for me.

    The blog will be multimedia, video, pictures, audio, etc.

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    The choice is simple, actually. Do you want to run a blog, or administer a website?

    If you just want to run a blog, where you write posts and such, then use WordPress.com.

    If you want to run a website, then use the free WordPress software from www.remarpro.com.

    What’s the difference, you ask? Well, when you run your own website, you have much more freedom, can use any theme, any plugins you like, and can customize it all you want. But when/if it breaks, it’s all on you. You pay for the hosting, you administer the software, it’s your site, 100%.

    With WordPress.com, you don’t have as much control, but you don’t have to deal with any of the backend either. You can write posts and such without worrying about it. You can pay a few bucks for your own domain name if you want, and pay a little more to customize your theme via CSS only (surprisingly easy once you get the hang of it). But if you find a theme you like elsewhere that’s not on WordPress.com, then you can’t use it. If you find a plugin that you think might be useful, and it’s not on WordPress.com, then you’re out of luck. You give up customizability, but you also don’t have to be responsible for the actual site’s operation, you don’t have to deal with hosting fees and webhost support, etc.

    I’d suggest starting a free blog on WordPress.com first. If later you think it’s worth the trouble to switch to your own hosting and www.remarpro.com, then you can still export all your content from one to the other, no problem.

    Thread Starter dwayneparker


    Thanks Otto for the information.

    I’ll do just that. I start with the free version.

    But even though I don’t want to run something like this website. https://www.yonigreenbaum.com. Is this a blog or a website. I can’t tell.

    But I’m interested in doing something along these lines.

    Let me know.

    Thanks again!!

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    That guy is running WordPress on his own hosting service.

    However the question about whether it’s a blog or a website was meant to be more about you, not the site. What is it that you want to do? Just writing in a blog is more of a journalism thing. You don’t need any particular technical knowledge to write articles. But managing a website, even one with a blog on it, is more of a technical thing.

    Thread Starter dwayneparker


    I’m new to this entire blogging thing, but I’m completely fascinated by it. (And I’m writing like profreeding is a new concept to me LOL, sorry about the last post being a little confusing).

    To answer your question: I want to post blogs regarding the reporting that I do each week, so that viewers have some place to get intouch with me and interact with me regarding the stories I’ve covered.

    The reason I mentioned yonigreenbaum.com was because it looked like something I could manage. No I’m not looking for an all-out website, but the asthetics of the page are really important to me.

    The theme that’s really catching my eye is Thesis on this website: https://diythemes.com/thesis/showcase/.

    Does this website already come looking like this. What I mean, is it like a template, and you just start plugging things in?

    And even if the website breaks, there’s no backup?

    Look forward to your response.

    For only a blog obviously get the free one. If you want more functionality and flexibility go with .org. Also, if you care or not, .org are the wordpresses that can sell ads and such.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    There’s 68 themes available on WordPress.com hosting. Take a look at those. And even they can be drastically altered via CSS editing.

    I’m not certain what you mean by your other questions. WordPress uses the theme to build your website. It’s basically a drop in template system, your content gets stuck into the theme and you can switch themes at will, although most people don’t because they customize their themes to their needs.

    You can indeed make backups of the website, and there’s systems to do it for you automatically on a regular basis, if you like.

    Thread Starter dwayneparker


    Otto, you understood my questions perfectly.

    It′s a little hard for me to articulate my ideas, especially when I don′t even have a grasp of the jargon yet.

    Is there a place where I can find out how much of the Cutline theme on WordPress.com can be customiezed by CCS, such as being able to do ¨pullouts,¨ ¨drop caps,¨ customize frames around pictures to make them look a little more sophistacated.

    Thanks again!

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    I’m not sure what those are specifically, but you can edit the CSS all you like for free, and Preview your changes live on the site.

    However, to make those changes take effect and actually become public, there’s an upgrade you have to pay for. They use a credit system, so it’s 15 bucks for a year for custom CSS. Check it out on the Upgrades page. To edit the CSS, go to Design and Edit CSS.

    Also, you’ll get better help for modifying wordpress.com sites specifically at https://forums.wordpress.com.

    Hi Dwayne,

    In a way, since this project for you seems to be part professional and part extra curricular, the .com/.org decision will come to depend on what kind of person you are. If you like to tinker with things and don’t mind trying to learn a tiny bit about html and css, then go for .org. In 2 years, when you are easily able to edit everything about your site, you’ll be thankful for the freedom of .org. You don’t need to know how to write CSS or HTML, you only need to know how to tinker with it. For example, I couldn’t write a CSS file if my life depended on it. But I sure can open one up, go in and change a few things like font size, colors, etc. Same with HTML. Also, from a personal branding branding perspective, you can’t beat a customized layout. Savvy web users will be able to tell that you’re using the free version.

    Just some thoughts…. ??


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