• i have problem using the wordpress.com stats plugin. i understand to use this plugin requires API key. i do have a wordpress.com account and know the API key. however before i install wordpress.com stats, i already had an API key from akismet installation.

    now the problem is that even i try both keys, the plugin doesn’t seems to work. when i try my wordpress.com account API key (user name = luclai), i got this message:


    Error from last API Key attempt:

    The owner of that API Key (luclai) is not on the access list for this blog. When this blog was registered, moemoegurl’s API key was used. To add you to the access list, moemoegurl must visit this blog’s stats dashboard page and use the form at the bottom of that page.

    The WordPress.com Stats Plugin is not working because it needs to be linked to a WordPress.com account.

    Enter your WordPress.com API key to link this blog to your WordPress.com account. Be sure to use your own API key! Using any other key will lock you out of your stats. (Get your key here.)


    what is moemoeurl’s API key? i suspect it is the API key used when akismet was installed (not by me anyway but my blog host who helped me out).

    what do they mean by :
    “To add you to the access list, moemoegurl must visit this blog’s stats dashboard page and use the form at the bottom of that page.”

    what form?

    the last line asking me to “get your API key here” serve no purpose as it points to my wordpress.com account API which i had already entered and received this message.

    then once i try using the old API key, i got this message:


    You are not a member of this blog.
    If you have just installed the Automattic Stats plugin, this error probably appeared because the API key entered in the plugin belongs to a different WordPress.com user account.
    ?Have the owner of the API key visit this page and add you to the blog, or
    ?Get your API key here, then deactivate and activating the plugin and enter your key to add your account to the access list for this blog.


    i don’t understand this message. what it means “different wordpress.com user account? i only have one wordpress.com account API key. also, what does it mean by “have the owner of the API key visit this page and add you to the blog” – how to add? is it under the add user part? add my wordpress.com account (user)to my www.remarpro.com account?

    as if this is not confusing enough, i remember long long ago i had also registered with wordpress.com account but i never use it at all. it was only in may 2007 when i registered another wordpress.com accounts, that i used it now and then. this means it might look like i might have 3 API keys!! – the one when installed akismet for www.remarpro.com, the very old wordpress.com account and the recent wordpress.com account. sigh. no wonder the confusion.

    i’m at a lost now what to do… which API key to use… or if use right API key how to response to the message.

    sorry for being long-winded and sorry if i sound stupid with these Qs. i’m not techie savvy at all.

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  • I’m having problems with this plug-in too. It seems that a key is accepted for this plug in, the self hosted blog is now registered permantly to the wp.com account.(the account i got the API from. This does not happen with the akismet plug in.
    At this point i am wondering if i should just e-mail Wp.com(even though they do not encourage self host bloggers to do so) or just give up on the is plug in.

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