• Hi All,

    I know lots of people ask about this, but I can’t extrapolate from those the answer to this question. So I apologize and appreciate any feedback.

    I am considering hosting my own site. I currently run a wordpress.com blog which WordPress says gets about 800-1200 page views a day. Sitemeter tells me the number of actual visitors is much lower, but it is growing rapidly, at least 10,000 unique visitors in the last month, and this grows at a rate of about 30% every month. So let’s assume this level of traffic, and growing.

    I am using only about 10 MG of space for uploads. I can host most of my photos on flickr and link to them. So I need a little space for uploads, room for a forum (fantastico) and the blog.

    Does anyone have any idea how to estimate how much bandwidth and space I need from a web host? I want to keep costs down, but I also would rather have a lot of growing room.


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  • a lot of cheap reliable hosts offer enough bandwidth for a site of your requirement!

    you should worry when you are consuming bandwidths in excess of 100 Gigs a month. and that would still take a lot of time. ??

    Thread Starter bedbugger


    Thanks Sushubh–

    It’s just that all the plans i’ve looked at ask you to choose among options for various amounts of bandwidth. Any idea how much a wordpress blog with 1000 visitors a month would use? (Like I said, I don’t have that many yet, but it is growing fast.)

    I just need a ballpark idea so I don’t select an option that’s too small, and have to pay overcharges.

    Thanks again.

    Rather than speculating on a hypothetical site, I’d suggest just grabbing Analog ( https://analog.cx ) and analyzing a week or so worth of logfiles with it. You’ll get a good estimate of your current viewing pattern, and you’ll also get a good estimate of how your bandwidth usage might scale (ie: multiply by whatever factor you think you’ll grow in some amount of time, and there you go).

    Personally, I find it’s easier to just go way overboard and not have to worry about it. Right now I’m on dreamhost — they’ve got pretty insane disk and bandwidth allocations for pretty cheap, and they’re pretty feature-rich as far as shared hosts go.

    Thread Starter bedbugger


    Thanks complich8– it looks like a great program, but I am on wordpress.com right now, so I don’t think I have log files and don’t think I can generate any.

    I think you’re right about aiming for more bandwidth, and that’s my plan, though I’d love to have some idea how much was enough. I know that’s probably not possible for someone to answer, but I hope someone will have a similar situation and be able to speculate.

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