• What’s this? XMLPAD plugin for wordpress syndicate PAD file in wordpress.

    To run xmlPad you will need WordPress 2 or greater and PHP 4.3.0 or greater.


    You can download it here (xmlpad).
    The installation process is very simple and no special steps are needed.
    Drop the “xmlpad” directory into the “plugins” directory in WordPress.

    The “xmlpad” directory should now contain the files “xmlpad.php”, “reader.php”,
    “config.php”, “template.php”, “readme.txt” and the “cache” directory. The cache
    directory must be writeable by web server user. If you are new to linux these
    commands will help you to give proper permissions to cache directory:

    cd xmlpad/directory
    chmod 755 cache
    chmod 755 cache/img

    In the “Plugins” section of “Site Admin”, click “Activate” adjacent to
    “xmlPad”. Everything is done! Now you can use your xmlPad plugin for WordPress.

    Insert “[xmlpad:URL]” into the post and replace “URL” with the URL of the
    XMLPAD file location. Choose “Save” and look at your post. The first time
    it loads the xmlPad plugin will try to get information from remote file
    and cache it in the local directory. The images used by xmlpad file will
    also be cached.


    You can find the most common setting in the config.php file. Let’s look
    at it a bit closer:

    $config[’cache_lifetime’] – the number of seconds the cache is valid

    $config[’encoding’] – you can change the output encoding of xmlpad plugin
    to that your blog uses

    $config[’dateformat’] – there are a lot of date fields in xmlpad file and
    you can set your own date format

    $config[’relurls’] – should we use absolute or relative paths for cached images.
    The default value is false.

    The most interesting settings are located in $config[’fields’] variables. The
    second key in this associative array is the name of xmlpad field caption and
    value is the path to element in remote xmlpad file. For example the line

    $config[’fields’][’Program name’] = ‘program_info/program_name’;

    tells plugin to read data from “program_info/program_name” xml node and give it
    “Program name” caption in the output. You can also add separators to the output
    by adding special record to configuration file. Here it is:

    $config[’fields’][] = ’sep’;

    Try to experiment with configuration file and you will be able to fully customize
    the plugin output.

    If you need to change the appearance of xmlpad output you can take a look at
    template.php file. It’s responsible for output formating. This file is very
    small and it’s easy to understand the logic behind it. Just plain php, nothing


    The cache time is set to 24 hours by default, so changes to the remote xmlpad file
    may not show up immediately. You can set cache time to whatever you want in the
    configuration file as described above. To clarify the cache you need to remove all
    files from “cache” except “img” directory.

    If you want to change the output encoding you’ll need iconv php extension to be
    Home page: https://www.opensourceinitiative.net
    Plugin download link: XMLPAD
    Plugin link: WordPress xmlPad Plugin

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