Thanks for that. After your response, I decided to look into it further. It appears that the CSS for the WordPress admin and the WooCommerce template are conflicting with each other. By inspecting the elements, I found a workaround that fixed it: adding clear: left; to the #postbox-container-2 div to prevent it from wrapping around floated elements on the right. This is the div that contains all the elements for product data, reviews, short description, and custom fields. I added the following to my theme’s functions.php file so I can easily remove it from the admin head once the issue is fixed in the Woocommerce plugin and/or WordPress admin code.
function my_customized_admin_styles() {
echo '<style> #postbox-container-2 { clear: left; } </style>';
add_action('admin_head', 'my_customized_admin_styles');
I know this may feel like a hack…it does, to me. But it allows me to move on. I was working within a client’s WordPress site when I saw this layout was broken, then later checked my own website and it was broken there too. Then I went through all the same steps you went through with deactivating plugins and templates. That’s when I realized I may have to hack the CSS. Hope this helps!